Is That Spider a Troublemaker?
No one likes to see spiders in their home, but it’s essential to understand which of these eight-legged pests is dangerous for you and your family. After all, making this distinction will make it easier for you to determine whether or not it’s appropriate to scream when a tiny arachnid unexpectedly appears in your living room.
The Most Dangerous Spiders in Texas
There have been several news stories about venomous spiders finding their way to unexpected regions by hitching a ride in produce. However, for the most part, Houston residents only need to worry about two dangerous arachnid family members. Unfortunately, both terrifying pests have a habit of being found indoors and outdoors. Because of this, you should take the time to familiarize yourself with the brown recluse and the black widow.
Black Widow: The venom that the black widow injects into its intended prey is a highly dangerous neurotoxin that has led … Read Full Post »