Wanna be Green? Try Losing Your Lawn!
As a homeowner, you probably take pride in your grassy front yard. There’s no shame in this: For many homeowners, nothing says “I’ve made it” like a fenced-in patch of brilliant green grass.
Unfortunately, San Antonio has been experiencing severe drought for several years on end, and forecasters expect the problem to continue. There’s a good chance that already tight city and county water restrictions will become even stricter: in nearby Austin, watering your lawn during the day is punishable by a $475 fine. Cut down on lawn care and get out in front of this looming problem with eco-friendly drought-resistant landscaping that uses native, drought-tolerant plants instead of water-guzzling grass.
What’s a Drought-Tolerant Landscape?
Also known as a “xeriscape,” drought-resistant landscaping is an area of landscaping that eschews moisture-loving varieties of grass in favor of water-sipping plant species like succulents, prairie grasses and desert-native shrubs. According to the University of Arizona’s Water … Read Full Post »