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Landscaping That Does More than Look Good

Tropical plants are renowned for their lush colors, but that beauty comes at a steep price for homeowners who maintain them. Some thirsty flowers like Iris pseudacorus require standing water, which is extremely costly in Bryan-College Station during the summer. If you’re looking to practice sustainable gardening, reduce water and energy consumption whenever possible.


Most people who mulch prefer organic materials like bark chips and pine needles, but you can choose rubber, cardboard, or stone if you don’t want to reapply mulch every year. When applied to an entire flower bed, mulch presents a beautiful, uniform look, and it helps keep the edges clean. Weeds have more difficulty growing up from the soil through several inches of mulch.

Mulch also reduces soil evaporation, so you don’t have to irrigate as often. According to one research project presented at Texas A&M, mulch reduces water evaporation by 25%, which could save you thousands of … Read Full Post »

The Worst Rodent Infestations in History

roof rats

Rodents have lived alongside humans since the earliest days of civilization, and they continue to be a significant pest. Rats and mice eat human food and contaminate the house with their droppings. They are also very destructive and can chew through nearly anything, including a house’s walls and foundation. Although rodents are found anywhere humans live, a few places have had historically awful infestations. Here are some of the worst rodent infestations in history:

Medieval Europe

During the Crusades, Asian black rats began migrating into Europe in ever-increasing numbers. They brought along the fleas that carried the bubonic plague, which devastated Europe. Their numbers became so overwhelming that the profession of rat-catching had to be invented to deal with them.


When explorers began traveling to Australia, they inadvertently brought mice on their ships. The mice, facing few natural predators and plenty of easy food, began to reproduce rapidly, and to this day, they … Read Full Post »

Landscape Fail: The Most Common Design Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them)

Like any homeowner, you’d probably like your landscaping to look amazing. Wanting an amazing yard and creating one are two different things, of course. It’s easy to make seemingly small mistakes that can wreak major havoc on the appearance of your landscaping. By familiarizing yourself with the most common ones, you can be on your way to incredible landscape design in no time!

1. Not Having a Plan

If at all possible, come up with a plan before doing any major landscaping work. At ABC Austin, we routinely come across yards that have been worked on a little here and a little there. There’s often a mishmash of elements that don’t really go together, which results in a scattered, disheveled look. With a clear plan in mind, you can easily achieve an attractive, cohesive landscape design for your Austin home.

2. Not Considering the View from Inside

It’s easy to have tunnel vision when … Read Full Post »

Winter Prep Tips for Your HVAC System

At ABC Houston, we understand that our friends and neighbors depend on their furnaces, boilers, and heat pumps to get through the winter months. The more prepared your system is, the more comfortable you’ll be. Here are eight steps to prepare your HVAC system for the heating season.

1. Get Reversible Ceiling Fans

During the cooling season, fans help your air conditioners run efficiently by circulating the air that collects near the ceiling. During the heating season, a fan with a reverse setting can do the same for your furnace. For best results, invest in an Energy Star-rated fan.

2. Use a Humidifier

If your home has a forced-air heating system, you’ll find that your indoor air may become uncomfortably dry. A humidifier will help you breathe easier by replacing that lost moisture.

3. New Filters

A dirty filter reduces the efficiency of your furnace by blocking air flow and may lead to other maintenance problems. … Read Full Post »

A Healthy Lawn Needs Good Soil

Although it may seem like some people just have green thumbs that let them create flourishing lawns and gardens, this superstition couldn’t be farther from the truth. In reality, your lawn’s health is entirely dependent on the quality of the soil beneath.

Just like your home needs a good foundation, your grass, veggie gardens and decorative plants must have good earth if they’re to grow strong. Here are a few tips on demystifying your quest for healthier home landscaping by creating better soil.

The Fertilizer Misconception

Many homeowners labor under the mistaken impression that they can simply dump fertilizer on the ground every season and sit back while their plants take it all in. While this approach is well intentioned, it’s sorely misguided.

Fertilizers work by providing plants with vital nutrients, but you can definitely overfeed your lawn. Although your grass won’t start to pack on pounds like a person might if they ate … Read Full Post »

Roof Rats Bigger Threat to Austin Homes than Termites

roof rats

For years, termites were the number one threat to homes in Austin. Recently, they’ve been eclipsed by roof rats, which have begun to invade the city and are now present throughout the Austin metro area. These rodents dwell in high spaces, like trees and rafters, and build nests and social colonies there.

Although roof rats are native to Texas, they were not commonly seen within the city until recently. They have traditionally been seen in rural areas. Recent weather changes have driven them away from their natural habitat, however, and the change seems to be permanent.

Like all rats, roof rats reproduce quickly and can be extremely destructive. They’re responsible for structural damage as they chew through the wood and insulation of a home. They can also invade pantries and cupboards and will cause food to spoil or become contaminated.

These rodents arrived in the city during the 2011 drought, which caused many … Read Full Post »

The Stink on Stinkbugs

stink bug problems orlando

Seeing a stinkbug can cause undue panic and stress in any homeowner.

These pesky visitors are the ones that you would never want to see anywhere close to you. What makes them so icky and frightening? With years of evolution, these pesky insects have developed the remarkable ability to ward off intruders with the most ghastly-smelling liquid. Developed as a defense mechanism against predators, stinkbugs or shield bugs can mistake you for one and spray you with a nasty liquid from their tiny glands. Apart from the dreadful odor, there are many other reasons why a stinkbug infestation warrants immediate pest control. Not only are they highly resilient, but these insects can make themselves very comfortable in your property’s dark and deep crevices.

Are Stinkbugs Harmful?

They don’t bite you, nor do they have venom. But they can stink to the point of leaving you in extreme discomfort. The next time you face … Read Full Post »

Living with Wildlife Instead of Fighting a Losing Battle

Imagine that you spray your foundation monthly, but the bugs keep returning. After years of work and gallons of insecticide, the strategy hasn’t helped. With pesticide-resistant bugs and environmental contamination in the news, experts have realized that chemical weapons aren’t always the best method for managing pests. This knowledge isn’t entirely new. Scientists have been developing integrated pest management (IPM) techniques for more than 50 years. IPM is a pest control philosophy that combines several different approaches to keep pests at acceptable levels. These strategies can be used to manage lawns, landscape plants and household pests.

Whether we like it or not, pests are part of the local ecosystem. In some cases, they help control other bugs. In other cases, they provide food for other species. Instead of using a blanket approach to eradicate every living bug within your property lines, IPM focuses on ways to adjust the natural balance. Here’s … Read Full Post »

Best on the Block: Top 10 Design Ideas to Light Up Your Home for the Holidays

Aren’t you sure what to do with your home for the holidays? Check out our top 10 ideas for transforming your Houston home into a stunning seasonal success.

1. Emphasize existing landscape features and the graceful branches of deciduous trees by illuminating them with ground-level flood lights. Use existing landscape lighting or modular spotlights to highlight wreaths and green decorations. Fill fountains, urns, and birdbaths with gazing balls or evergreen boughs to maximize their seasonal appeal.

2. Think about your landscaping before you decorate. Watch for decorative plants that will complement your holiday display. Treat landscape shrubs in late fall to protect them and keep them looking healthy all season. Evergreens, hollies, and berry-producing shrubs are ideal for incorporating into your holiday display.

3. Place greenery, topiaries, garlands, and evergreen wreaths on entryways, windows, mailboxes, columns, and porches. These items will look beautiful during the day before the timer activates your lights.

4. Add … Read Full Post »

Top 5 Ways to Keep Raccoons Away

Though they are often admired for their ability to pilfer food from garbage cans in the dead of night, raccoons can be quite dangerous. They are known to spread disease, injure family pets and inflict property damage that can be expensive. However, these ingenious critters can be kept far away from family residences with the following five tips.

1. Secure All Trash Receptacles

Raccoons are widely known for their talent. For example, sliding aside a partially open garbage can lid is quite easily accomplished. For this reason, property owners will want to secure all trash receptacles fully. Kitchen garbage cans and other interior food sources should also be sealed—plenty of verified stories of raccoons entering homes through pet doors and gobbling up unsecured food waste.

2. Reduce Nesting Areas

Because raccoons do not build their dens, they search for places to raise a family. Attics, basements, crawlspaces, and any other nooks and crannies that … Read Full Post »