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The Southern Pine Beetle

southern pine beetle does immense damage to trees

Photo by Fabio Stergulc / Università di Udine,

The southern pine beetle is a highly destructive pest that can devastate pine trees in forests and urban settings. At maturity, this diminutive pest is scarcely more significant than a grain of rice. Yet, it causes a tremendous amount of damage to pine trees in Florida and across the southern United States. Typically, the beetle invades older trees, has suffered an injury, and has trunks less than 6 inches in diameter. However, the pest will also begin attacking healthy trees during severe outbreaks. The southern pine beetle prefers to invade loblolly, Virginia, pitch, and shortleaf pine trees.

Because the southern pine beetle attacks trees internally, most people are unaware of the problem until significant damage has already been done. Female beetles are responsible for determining what tree to live in, and they begin boring holes at the base of the trunk. After mating … Read Full Post »

Could Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs Be Headed for Dallas?

With only one confirmed sighting in Texas, the brown marmorated stink bug has yet to become a pervasive presence in our great state, but that doesn’t mean that you won’t encounter one in the Dallas-Fort Worth area in the near future. As expert hitchhikers, these non-native insects have already invaded several states and left a number of ruined crops in their wake. ABC Home & Commercial Services wants you to know the facts about this pesky insect.Origins of Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs

The first North American sighting of brown marmorated stink bugs was in Pennsylvania in 1998, and since then, they have spread to several East Coast states and as far west as California and Oregon. They are native to Japan, China, Taiwan and Korea, but researchers have yet to discover how they managed to hitch a ride to the United States. Experts do know, however, that they made their recent … Read Full Post »

Best Temperature For AC To Save Money: Tips And Tricks

Best Temperature for AC to Save Money

Summers in Texas are longer and hotter than in other areas of the United States. This increased use of air conditioning is one of the primary factors in the increased spending on electricity and natural gas, which means homeowners have less money to spend on other things. It’s not all bad news, though. With the help of some money saving tips and techniques for coping with increased summer temperatures in central Texas, you can save some of your hard earned income. Read on to learn more about the best temperature for AC to save money. By following these simple tips, you can have some extra spending money to use to pay for items your family will really enjoy.

Raise The Temperature

The U.S. Department of Energy recommends keeping the indoor temperature of your home at 78 degrees Fahrenheit to reduce your electricity bill. Although this might seem high at first, it is a … Read Full Post »

Landscape Lighting Meets Efficiency and Practicality

Landscape lighting can add an elegant touch to an outdoor space, but many homeowners are unaware that this aesthetic feature can also offer functional benefits. Choosing lighting with high-tech features can boost the practicality of lighting and offer energy efficiency.

Energy Sources

Homeowners have a variety of lighting sources to choose from when shopping for outdoor lighting that can highlight beautiful landscaping. explains that there are three primary energy sources when it comes to outdoor lighting: solar power, electricity, and gas.

  • Solar power is energy-efficient because it uses the sun’s power instead of requiring a homeowner to pay for a power source. However, solar power is only reliable in areas that regularly receive a lot of sun during the day.
  • Electricity is hard-wired to the home to provide reliable power, but this option can be expensive.
  • Gas is reliable and provides an aesthetic bonus by making outdoor lighting appear old-fashioned. However, homeowners who would … Read Full Post »

Detecting Hidden Pests

Some pests are obvious and leave clear signs of entry. However, the less conspicuous pests lurking in the cracks and walls can still cause problems for homeowners.How Do These Pests Get Inside?

Regardless of size, home-invading critters can utilize the smallest cracks and the narrowest holes to enter the home. For example, rodents only need an opening large enough for their skulls, a hole that can be as small as your fingertip.Additional Problem Areas

  • Door sweeps
  • Door and window casings
  • Baseboards
  • Seals where utility lines enter the home
  • Loose wallpaper

Careful home maintenance can prevent many major pest-related problems. For more information on how pests can physically enter the home, visit the University of Kentucky’s guide to pest-proofing a home.

Signs of a Hidden Pest Invasion

Even the most secretive of pests will leave some indication of their presence. A thorough inspection of the house can reveal the pest problem.

Can I Prevent Stinging Insects from Nesting Around My Home?

San Antonio is home to a number of stinging insects. Local homeowners must contend with yellow jackets, paper wasps, and carpenter bees. Such insects have the potential to deliver painful stings and cause allergic reactions. Some species can also damage the exterior of a home. It’s best to prevent them from nesting in the first place.

Homeowners can take steps to eliminate food sources and desirable nesting cavities. Stinging insects prefer to build nests in protected areas that shield them from rain and hail. When possible, it’s helpful to fill or block access to these cavities. Do not attempt to do this until a San Antonio exterminator has removed any existing nests.

It is also beneficial to store empty beverage cans and household trash in a solid container with a tight lid. Garbage and unwashed soda cans can attract various species of stinging insects according to the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension. They … Read Full Post »

Cockroach Hitchhikers

From planes to cars, cockroaches seem to be everywhere. How do these resourceful pests find their way into places that humans would prefer they stay away from? Cockroaches are programmed to find a way into any sheltered area with a water and food source.

Cracks, Crevices, and Holes

As with any household pests, cockroaches (also known as Palmetto Bugs) can most often find a way into a building by locating small cracks or holes that lead to a warm, sheltered place to live. A nearby food and water source is another big draw. Sealing up cracks can keep cockroaches from coming into a home, but these pests are known for their resourcefulness and ability to find a way to survive.

Skilled Hitchhikers

Even if a property owner ensures that no cracks or holes can encourage pests to enter a building, cockroaches are adept at finding a way to hitchhike into a building. Clothing and … Read Full Post »

Critters Can Get Through Tiny Cracks!

When most people hear about homeowners finding beehives or rodent colonies behind the walls, they assume it is a rare horror story that is not likely to happen to them. However, these occurrences are more common than most people think. Rodents and other pests are very good at finding ways to sneak into homes.

How Much Space Do Pests Need To Sneak Into A Home?

According to the CDC, mice can squeeze through a hole that is the same size as a nickel. If a hole is as large as a quarter, a rat can fit through it. Insects can squeeze through nearly any size crack, gap or hole. Rodents are one of the biggest problems during colder months. They often sneak into homes to keep warm and take up residence behind walls, in basements or in attics. Unfortunately, some can spread serious diseases such as hantavirus and leptospirosis.

How Can Homeowners Inspect … Read Full Post »

Is it Worth Switching to a Tankless Water Heater?

Average Cost of Heating Water

Expenses for air conditioning and heating in San Antonio can be costly and the energy used to heat water can be expensive as well. About 20% of an average family’s energy consumption goes to heating water for household activities like dishwashing, clothes washing, showering, and bathing. Traditional water heaters that store water can cost around $450 to operate every year and about 20% of that cost goes to waste year after year. Those conventional water heaters waste energy because they keep heating water in storage tanks even when nobody is using the water.

Benefits of a Tankless Water Heater

  • You may qualify for a tax credit if you install an efficient water heater in your home.
  • When you turn on a tap, a tankless unit will supply hot water within five seconds.
  • You never run out of hot water with a tankless heater.
  • A tankless heater requires much less space and … Read Full Post »

Attention Homeowners: Don’t Ignore Your Trees!

If we are being honest with ourselves, many homeowners only think about the trees in their yards when they become a nuisance. The roots have grown under a concrete patio and created cracks, dead tree limbs are threatening our roof or our outdoor space, or worse yet, the limbs are touching power lines, presenting a possible fire hazard.

In actuality, the trees in our yards deserve much more attention from us, as they are the lifeblood of our yards. They absorb and trap harmful carbon dioxide in the air, preventing it from reaching the earth’s upper atmosphere. The trees’ root systems help prevent soil erosion, and best of all, trees provide much needed shade on a hot Texas summer day.

Lack of specific knowledge when it comes to taking care of our trees can cause irreversible harm to them, leaving them susceptible to diseases and weakening them to the point where one … Read Full Post »