Are Moles Blind?

It’s a common misconception that moles are blind. Some homeowners wonder if moles even have eyes. Moles do have eyes, and they are not blind, but they have very poor vision.
Mole eyes are very small and they are covered by their fur. Because of these factors, it’s hard to see a mole’s eyes, which is why many people wonder if they have eyes at all.
Since moles are subterranean creatures and spend most of their lives underground, their eyes have adapted to their lifestyle. Their eyes can detect light and dark, but they can not see much beyond that. Instead, they rely on their other senses to survive, such as touch and smell.
How to Distinguish Moles From Other Pests
Moles have several distinct physical features. It’s important for homeowners to learn what moles look like so that they can identify them on their property.
First, moles are small animals that typically measure between … Read Full Post »