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Are Mosquitoes Active at Night?

a mosquito on jeans

Few things beat an evening sitting out on the porch or lounging in the backyard while the kids play in the pool. Of course, one thing that can wreck your entire evening is mosquitoes. They seem to come out of nowhere just after sunset and can be relentless.

You may have noticed that if you go inside and return later when it’s dark, the mosquitoes aren’t nearly as bad. So if you came out even later, would they be gone? Many homeowners wonder, are these pests active all night, or do mosquitoes sleep like us?

Mosquitoes are Indeed Active at Night

The short answer is yes, but that doesn’t explain why they’re such a nuisance at dusk. If you’re in the habit of walking or porch-sitting at sunrise, you’ve probably noticed they’re awful then, too.

There are many species of mosquitoes. Some, like the common house mosquito, are much more common than others. Some … Read Full Post »

Identifying a Paper Wasp Versus a Yellowjacket

A paper wasp

When the weather starts to get warmer, that means it’s time for homeowners to be diligent about wasp activity around their home. However, it’s common for homeowners to confuse wasp species, such as paper wasps and yellowjackets.

This guide will go over paper wasps versus yellowjackets regarding their appearance, behavior, diet and nesting habits.

Next, it’s helpful to understand that several types of paper wasps are common in the United States. Thankfully, there are simple ways that homeowners can learn to tell them apart.

Finally, every homeowner who has experienced a paper wasp problem wants to know how to control them. While there are some methods homeowners can try on their own, the best way to get rid of paper wasps is to contact a professional. These pests are quick to sting when they feel threatened.

Once the paper wasps are gone, there are several preventative actions that homeowners can take to keep them … Read Full Post »

How To Check Your Bed for Bed Bugs

two bed bugs

The dreaded words “bed bugs” can make any homeowner shiver. Bed bugs feed on human and animal blood, usually while we sleep, and can hide in furniture, behind wallpaper and in other hard-to-reach places. If you have started getting itchy bites at night, you might wonder whether you have these pests. Bed bugs are tiny pests that can be hard to spot, so you must inspect thoroughly to spot signs of them.

Bed bugs are a more common problem than many people think. Knowing how to inspect for bed bugs can help you determine whether or not you’re dealing with an infestation.

What To Look For and Signs You Have Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are tiny, oval-shaped insects. They are about the size and shape of an apple seed with a reddish-brown coloration. Bed bug bodies have a banded appearance due to the ridges along their wings. Adult bed bugs’ heads are elongated … Read Full Post »

How To Get Rid of Ants in the House

a house with ants

An indoor ant infestation is a nuisance for many homeowners. While the ants themselves may seem harmless, they can reproduce rapidly and become a big problem, especially in the kitchen. There are several ways that homeowners can deter and get rid of ants in the house.

It’s important for homeowners to understand every part of the ant life cycle to control an infestation. It’s not enough to get rid of adult ants; you must control them at every life stage.

Another place where it’s common to find ants is in your bathroom. They love the moisture of bathrooms and have easy access to food and water. There are a few ways to reduce the number of ants in your bathroom on your own, but working with a professional pest control service is the best way to kick ants out of your home.

How To Get Rid of Ants in the House

One of the … Read Full Post »

How To Get Rid of Algae in Your Pool

green algae in a pool

Algae can grow in your pool overnight. If you’re lucky, it may only be a green film on the surface. Even that requires several steps to clear properly. If you’re not so lucky, you may be in for a lot more of a challenge to reclaim your hideaway.

Algae are plants. They don’t have much in common with land plants except that they use photosynthesis. Multi-cellular forms of algae are known as seaweed. The algae that invade your pool are single-cell forms. One of the problems with the algae in your pool is they sometimes harbor bacteria.

Algae are everywhere. They can travel by wind, colonizing any water they happen to land in. They can also fall in raindrops. Algae also cling to objects, so swimsuits, pool toys, and even your dog can bring algae from a swimming hole (or a mud puddle) straight to your pool. Algae from the ocean or … Read Full Post »

My Thermostat Clicks but AC Does Not Turn On

a thermostat

Nothing is more comforting than the clicking sound of the thermostat when it’s hot out. This should mean that cool air is on its way out to relieve you of the heat. But it can be alarming when nothing follows after the click. It might be a sign that there’s something wrong with your air conditioner.

Reasons Your Thermostat Clicks but the AC Does Not Turn On

You don’t have to worry if your AC isn’t switching on despite the thermostat clicking. Most of the time, there is a simple problem behind it that you can solve yourself. However, some issues are more complicated and require the expertise of HVAC professionals. They can have your AC up and running as soon as possible.

Dirty Air Filter

A clogged air filter is the most common culprit behind this issue. Filters purify the air before it travels around your home. Over time, dust, dirt and pollen … Read Full Post »

What To Do if Water Is Leaking From Your Ceiling

water leaking from the ceiling

A ceiling leak is a problem that no homeowner should ignore. If you see water dripping, brown stains forming or paint bubbling, these are signs of a ceiling leak, and you should address it as soon as you can.

Here’s everything you need to know about the issue, including the causes of leaks and what you should do. Contact a professional plumber to get to the root of the problem and find a solution before the damage gets worse.

There are two common reasons why water is leaking from the ceiling. It can be a plumbing issue, such as a leaking shower or damaged piping. Or, there is an issue with your roof, causing water to come in. Here’s how these problems can lead to a ceiling leak.

Damaged Pipes

Burst pipes are one of the most common causes of ceiling leaks in the winter. When temperatures get extremely low, the water inside the … Read Full Post »

Identifying Zoysia Grass Versus Bermuda Grass

zoysia grass

Zoysia grass and Bermuda grass may seem similar in appearance but have different characteristics and needs. They are popular options for warm climates such as Texas and Florida, as they thrive in the heat.

Zoysia Grass Appearance, Care and Maintenance

Zoysia grass, pictured above, is a vibrant green grass that is relatively low maintenance. Since it thrives in warm weather, it can handle drought-like conditions and maintain its bright color. It can also survive bouts of cold weather and has a higher shade tolerance than Bermuda grass. However, zoysia grass takes longer to recover from damage than Bermuda grass.

Another benefit of zoysia grass is that it is an invasive species that can overtake weeds, especially when planted as sod. Homeowners can save time on weed pulling with zoysia grass. It only requires a little water or mowing.

A key difference between zoysia grass and Bermuda grass is blade width. Zoysia grass can range … Read Full Post »

My AC Is Not Cooling Enough

An AC vent

Is your AC not cooling enough? It can be frustrating when your air conditioner has been on for hours, but the room is still not cold enough. There are many reasons why your AC isn’t working as it should. It could be a simple issue like a clogged air filter or dirty evaporator coils. But, it could also be a more complicated problem, like a faulty compressor or damaged wiring.

Here are some ways to troubleshoot the situation. But, keep in mind, the best way to have your AC running smoothly is to get help from an HVAC specialist. You can avoid AC nightmares and enjoy cool air all year round with routine maintenance.

Why Your AC Isn’t Cooling

When your AC isn’t blowing out cold air, the first thing to do is check your thermostat’s controls. If it is in the heat setting, switch it to cool. But, if it is already … Read Full Post »

How Long Do Bed Bug Bites Last?

bed bug bites

Bed bugs may be tiny, but they can ingest up to six times their body weight in one feeding, which takes only around 12 minutes. If you’ve discovered a suspicious-looking bite mark on your skin, you’re probably wondering, “How long do bed bug bites last?”

How Long Does It Take for a Bed Bug Bite to Appear?

Bed bug bites don’t appear immediately. When a bed bug bites, it injects an anticoagulant and anesthetic into the skin layer, preventing you from feeling the bite. It can take up to 14 days for bed bug bite marks to show up. The average time it takes for bite marks to appear is three days. Bites usually clear up within a week without treatment but may last up to 14 days.

Bed bug bites are often mistaken for mosquito bites, so you might not know that you have a bed bug problem until you see infestation … Read Full Post »