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Low Maintenance Flower Bed Ideas

a low maintenance flower bed

Any yard or garden will need at least some upkeep over time. But there are lots of great low-maintenance flower bed ideas that can maximize the beauty of your outdoor space while keeping maintenance needs low. Less time doing yard work means more time to enjoy your yard. Let’s look at some tips for planting a garden that is both beautiful and easy to maintain.

Getting Started

  1. Take care of weeds first, before planting flowers. If you want a low-maintenance flower bed, keep in mind that doing a bit more work up front will save you lots of labor later on. This is especially true when it comes to weeds. When planting a new flower bed, it can take significant time and labor to dig up all the grass, weeds and other vegetation, but it’s worth the effort in the long run. Also, don’t forget the weed-blocking power of mulch! Mulch … Read Full Post »

Half of My Christmas Lights Aren’t Working

a string of Christmas lights

Decking the halls for the Christmas season fills many people with excitement for the coming celebrations. A huge part of the decorating ritual every year includes festive lights on the exterior of your home. Sometimes when you flip the switch, the twinkle looks a little unbalanced. Or when you pull last year’s spools of shining glory out of storage, half of the lights aren’t ready to shine.

What’s next? The first step is to always plug in your lights and check for issues before you hang them for decorating. You don’t want to hang your lights only to find they need to come right off! If you do have issues, your choices are to try to fix the lights yourself or contact a professional who can bring new LED lights for you and hang them up. Let’s troubleshoot some potential causes for the outage.

Troubleshooting Your Christmas Lights

First off, one of the … Read Full Post »

How To Get Rid of Drywood Termites

drywood termites eating through a baseboard

As their name implies, drywood termites build their nests in dry wood. In comparison, dampwood termites and subterranean termites need extremely moist environments. Drywood termites commonly nest in wood beams, wall framing and even wooden furniture. Drywood termites typically don’t even need a reliable water source as they can derive enough moisture from the wood pulp that they eat.

Homeowners who suspect they may have a drywood termite infestation should contact a professional. Even a moderate size colony can inflict serious and widespread structural damage and massive expense in a short amount of time.

In fact, termites cause more than five billion dollars worth of damage annually, just in the United States. Unfortunately, most of which is not covered by conventional homeowners’ insurance.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the common signs of a drywood termite infestation, how to identify the various types of drywood termites, their lifecycle, and (most importantly) … Read Full Post »

Why Am I Getting No Power to My Thermostat?

a blank thermostat

Your AC is a complex system made up of many interconnected parts. If any one part fails, the system can’t work at peak efficiency. But if the thermostat isn’t working, the whole air-conditioning system is down. The thermostat is the little box on your wall that controls the AC. No power to thermostat means you can’t turn your AC on or off, or set it to the right temperature.

Simple Fixes

When your thermostat loses power, there are a few simple things to check first. The very first thing to do is to make sure it’s actually turned on. This is especially something to check with older thermostats. As long as they are receiving power, newer digital thermostats will still show something on their displays, even when they are off. If your thermostat is digital and its display screen is completely blank, that likely means it has lost power.

If your home has … Read Full Post »

What Do the Numbers on Fertilizer Mean?

a person holding fertilizer

Figuring out fertilization on your own without the support of a lawn care specialist can be challenging for homeowners. Fertilizers at a home and garden store include a list of numbers that homeowners may be unfamiliar with.

If all this feels a bit too overwhelming, consider reaching out to a lawn care expert. A specialist knows how to fertilize your lawn best and can put in place a lawn care schedule.

What is the N-P-K Ratio, and What Do The Numbers on Fertilizer Mean?

Many homes in the United States do not have soil that is healthy enough to sustain the perfect lawn or garden. For this reason, homeowners usually need to add nutrients to their yards.

Using natural or synthetic (chemical) fertilizer increases the nutrient count of your yard. Fertilizer works with bacteria and fungi in the soil to create an ideal environment for your plants to grow. Natural fertilizers are more effective … Read Full Post »

My AC Is Not Turning On: What’s Wrong

An AC vent that won't turn on

For a homeowner, there are few things as distressing as turning on your air conditioner and nothing happening. This holds especially true when the temperatures start climbing to triple digits. Fortunately, there are a few things that you can check yourself to get that cool air flowing again.

Some Easier Fixes

Let’s start with the basics. Your air conditioner might not be getting any juice. Take a look at your breaker box and see if there is a tripped fuse or a breaker has blown. Those are easy fixes that might get your system up and running.

Ductwork Issues

On the system’s outside unit, you have a condenser that takes the warmer air from your home, cools it and sends it back through your home’s air ducts. It is possible that rodents have chewed through the cord that links your outdoor unit to your home’s electrical system. If rodents are your problem, you may … Read Full Post »

What Are the Benefits of Water Softeners?

a shower head

So what does “hard” water really mean? 

When rain falls, it is pure water. Once it seeps into the ground, it picks up minerals like calcium and magnesium. Water that has collected a large amount of such minerals is called “hard.” In fact, about 85 percent of water in the United States can be classified as hard water.

Is a water softener worth it? It’s important to first see if you are noticing the signs of hard water. Seeing stains on your sinks and tubs or on your kitchen utensils? It’s a good bet you have hard water. Seeing scale deposits on kitchen appliances and plumbing is another sign. Are you having to use more soap than usual? Hard water doesn’t lather well, so you have to use more. Hard water will also face your clothing and make your skin and hair feel dry after a shower. 

Water also has a continuum of … Read Full Post »

How Fast Do Bed Bugs Move?

two squirming bed bugs

If you notice small, itchy bites appearing on your skin or your family’s skin, you no doubt have questions about what is causing them. Maybe you have seen little brownish oval insects flitting around a bed or a couch. Surely these can’t be bed bugs, can they?

Bed bugs do not discriminate when choosing their meal. They go where the food is, and for these little bugs, blood is their food source. Having an infestation doesn’t reflect housekeeping habits. It simply means bed bugs have found their way to a new meal ticket.

Before assuming that bed bugs are your problem, it’s best to get an inspection from a licensed pest control professional. There are a couple of other insects that look similar, including some spiders, carpet beetles, booklice, cockroach nymphs, fleas and ticks. You want to be sure any treatment you undertake is effective.

One sign that your visitors might be bed … Read Full Post »

How To Make Compost

compost mixed into soil

Are you a homeowner interested in making your own compost? Composting is an easy process to start and maintain, regardless of your size requirements.

It’s also one of the easiest and best first steps for garden fertilization, and healthy lawncare.

Despite what you may have heard, home composting is not complicated, it’s not messy and it doesn’t smell bad when you do it right.

In fact, learning how to compost the right way is super simple. Once you get started, it’s a great, environmentally-friendly way to repurpose food scraps and a variety of other organic materials into a superfood for your plants and gardens.

Types of Composting

First things first, let’s take a look at the various types of composting. The three most popular and widely used methods are cold composting, hot composting and vermicomposting.

Cold Composting

Composting in its most basic form is “cold” composting. This involves collecting plant waste from your lawns or gardens and … Read Full Post »

How To Start an Herb Garden

an herb garden

An herb garden makes a beautiful, fragrant and useful addition to any yard. If you don’t know how to start an herb garden, it can seem like a daunting task. But starting an herb garden is actually a perfect project for beginner gardeners. There are many herbs that are very easy to grow and care for. You can use them in cooking, making delicious drinks or even in homemade flower arrangements. Here are the basics of starting an herb garden, to get you started on your gardening journey.

To start your herb garden, you’ll need just a few basic things: a space for the garden, sunlight, soil that is good for growing herbs and seeds or starter plants. Yes, it really can be as simple as that!

You can grow herbs right in the ground, or in an existing garden bed. Whether you’re building a new herb garden or using an existing … Read Full Post »