ABC Blog

How Long Does It Take for Bed Bug Bites to Appear?

a bed bug

Bed bug bites often appear as unexplained bites on your skin. The time it takes them to appear after an infestation varies, so it’s important for homeowners to understand what bed bug bites look like.

The sooner you can catch a bed bug infestation, the easier it will be to kick these pests out of your home. Besides bites, there are other signs to watch for that can help you catch them early.

How Long Does It Take for Bed Bug Bites to Appear?

How long it takes for bed bug bites to appear varies from person to person. Every immune system responds differently to bed bug bites, and it’s likely that you won’t have an immediate reaction. Bed bug bite reactions can take up to 14 days to appear, while some people have no reaction to bed bug bites at all.

Noticing bites is typically the first sign of a bed bug infestation, … Read Full Post »

What To Do About Bed Bugs in Your Furniture

a bed bug

As their name implies, bed bugs love your bed. They hide in your mattress seams, bed sheets and headboard. While they usually stay near the bed, you can still find bed bugs in your furniture. These pests are no thicker than a credit card and can squeeze themselves through tiny cracks and openings.

If you suspect you have bed bugs at home, here are some signs to look out for and measures to control them. However, the best solution is to call in pest control specialists. These pros have the tools and expertise to control the bed bug population in your home so you can get your beauty rest again.

Signs You Have Bed Bugs in Your Furniture and What You Should Do

Bed bugs are small, flat and wingless insects that are around a quarter of an inch long. Bed bugs are about the size of an apple seed but will swell … Read Full Post »

Mites Versus Bed Bugs: Identification Guide

a bed bug

Homeowners may confuse mites and bed bugs, pictured above, for each other. However, they are entirely unrelated species, each requiring different treatment methods. It’s crucial to know which one is infesting your home if you want to get things under control.

There are some ways to try to tell these two pests apart. You can also let pest control specialists come over and identify the intruders in your home. They will assess the situation and provide the best solution to manage the mite or bed bug infestation. That way, you and your family can relax at home and get undisturbed sleep again.

Mites Versus Bed Bugs: Appearance and Habits

Bed bugs are flat and small parasitic insects that depend on human and animal blood for their nutrition. They feed when their victims are asleep and usually hang out near sleeping areas. Meanwhile, mites are arthropods closely related to ticks. They come in many … Read Full Post »

Do Bed Bugs Bite Every Night?

a bed bug on a sheet

Are you waking up with itchy bed bug bites? There’s nothing worse than being bitten in your sleep, but it can take a while for homeowners to realize that they have a bed bug problem. Part of the issue is that bed bugs do not bite every night, so the pest problem can be hard to spot.

Do Bed Bugs Bite Every Night?

Waking up with bed bug bites is never fun. It can feel like you wake up every morning with a new collection of bites, which leaves many homeowners wondering if bed bugs bite every night.

The truth is that bed bugs do not bite humans every night. They have a purpose behind their biting, and it’s to get a blood meal. One blood meal can typically last bed bugs for three to seven days. Once their previous blood meal is digested, they’ll go back for more.

If they can’t access a … Read Full Post »

Can Bed Bugs Live Outside?

a bd bug

Bed bugs are frustrating pests known to take up residence inside homes. However, a little-known fact is that they can also live outside. However, this is rare.

Bed bugs prefer to live inside where they are close to a host that can provide them with a blood meal and hiding spots. They can only live outside for a short period, and they must live somewhere with a high level of human activity.

For example, you may see outdoor bed bugs in these locations:

  • On public transportation
  • At outdoor gathering spaces, such as concert venues
  • In high-trafficked parks and recreation areas
  • At trash dumps that are full of furniture and mattresses

Bed bugs must be near a host to stay alive, so it’s riskier for them to live outdoors, but not impossible.

Indoor Bed Bug Hiding Places

Finding bed bugs inside homes with easier access to a host and shelter is much more common. These pests are also drawn to … Read Full Post »

How Long Do Bed Bugs Live?

a bed bug

Do you know the average life span and life cycle of bed bugs? These unwelcome pests can become extremely annoying for homeowners because they bite humans at night. In order to be proactive about bed bugs, it’s a good idea to learn about their life cycle, feeding habits and hiding places.

How Long Do Bed Bugs Live?

The life span of a bed bug depends on multiple factors, including temperature and available access to blood meals. When those factors work in their favor, bed bugs typically live for around one year. However, it’s common for bed bugs to only live for four to six months.

Bed bugs are extreme annoyances for homeowners, so it’s important to learn about the life cycle, feeding habits and common hiding places for bed bugs. The more you educate yourself about these nuisances, the quicker you can identify an infestation and contact a pest control specialist to control … Read Full Post »

If One Room Has Bed Bugs, Do They All?

a bed bug

If you’re like most people, discovering bed bugs in your home is nothing short of a nightmare. Maybe you brought them back home after traveling, or they hitchhiked in on used furniture. However they arrived in your home, bed bugs multiply quickly, so they need to be controlled fast, before their population explodes. But, how difficult will it be to get rid of them? If one room has bed bugs, do they all?

The short answer is that it’s possible there are bed bugs in more than one room in your house. It depends on your living habits, how long the bed bugs have been there, how extensive the infestation is and how you respond to their presence once you find out about them.

Identifying Signs of Bed Bugs

True to their name, bed bug infestations usually begin in your sleeping quarters. These small, brown insects are about the size and color of … Read Full Post »

Bed Bug Size: How To Identify These Pests

a bed bug

We all need quality sleep to function our best. But something as small as a bed bug can ruin a good night’s sleep. These tiny pests can leave itchy bite marks during the night, causing skin irritation.

If you think you have a bed bug infestation at home, identification is the first step in treating the problem. Here’s a guide to help you recognize bed bugs and confirm their presence in your home. After identification, the next step is to contact pest control professionals. They know how to control bed bugs so you can enjoy your sleep again.

Bed Bug Size, Color and Habits

Bed bugs can be hard to recognize because they may be confused with other insects. But, there are ways to set these pests apart from other household pests.

You can identify adult bed bugs by their wingless, reddish-brown bodies. They’re around a quarter of an inch long and are flat … Read Full Post »

Do Bed Bug Bombs Work?

two bed bugs on a rug

Bed bugs can wreak havoc in any home, biting us and leaving itchy bite marks. These pests can spread like wildfire because of their small size and impressive hiding skills. It can be tough to control them once they have invaded your space.

If bed bugs are ruining the peace in your home, it might be tempting to use a bed bug bomb. But there are better ways to manage an infestation. The best option is to contact a pest control professional. Pest control specialists have the expertise and tools to get the situation under control.

Are Bed Bug Bombs Effective?

Do bed bug bombs work? They may seem like a fast and convenient way to eliminate pests in your home. But unfortunately, they’re ineffective against bed bugs. They might even do more harm than good.

Bed bug bombs are aerosol cans that contain pesticides. Once you activate them, they spray the pesticide as … Read Full Post »

Can Bed Bugs Bite Through Clothes?

a bed bug on skin

Bed bugs are pests that can leave behind stains, skins and a sour odor. Some homeowners also worry that bed bugs can destroy their clothes. While bed bugs can travel on clothes and hide in laundry piles, they cannot actually bite through clothes.

However, bed bugs can still crawl under clothing to bite their hosts. It’s important for homeowners to understand the difference between bed bug bites and hives so that they can identify a bed bug infestation.

Bed bug bites also look and feel similar to no see um bites. Even though no see ums are flies, and these two insects are very different, their bites are similar. Keep reading to learn how to tell them apart and what you can do to control both pests.

Can Bed Bugs Bite Through Clothes?

Bed bugs can leave itchy bites on humans. However, it is a myth that they can chew through clothes. Bed bug … Read Full Post »