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How To Check Your Bed for Bed Bugs

two bed bugs

The dreaded words “bed bugs” can make any homeowner shiver. Bed bugs feed on human and animal blood, usually while we sleep, and can hide in furniture, behind wallpaper and in other hard-to-reach places. If you have started getting itchy bites at night, you might wonder whether you have these pests. Bed bugs are tiny pests that can be hard to spot, so you must inspect thoroughly to spot signs of them.

Bed bugs are a more common problem than many people think. Knowing how to inspect for bed bugs can help you determine whether or not you’re dealing with an infestation.

What To Look For and Signs You Have Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are tiny, oval-shaped insects. They are about the size and shape of an apple seed with a reddish-brown coloration. Bed bug bodies have a banded appearance due to the ridges along their wings. Adult bed bugs’ heads are elongated … Read Full Post »

How Long Do Bed Bug Bites Last?

bed bug bites

Bed bugs may be tiny, but they can ingest up to six times their body weight in one feeding, which takes only around 12 minutes. If you’ve discovered a suspicious-looking bite mark on your skin, you’re probably wondering, “How long do bed bug bites last?”

How Long Does It Take for a Bed Bug Bite to Appear?

Bed bug bites don’t appear immediately. When a bed bug bites, it injects an anticoagulant and anesthetic into the skin layer, preventing you from feeling the bite. It can take up to 14 days for bed bug bite marks to show up. The average time it takes for bite marks to appear is three days. Bites usually clear up within a week without treatment but may last up to 14 days.

Bed bug bites are often mistaken for mosquito bites, so you might not know that you have a bed bug problem until you see infestation … Read Full Post »

Do Bed Bugs Hibernate?

two bed bugs

Did your bed bug infestation seem to go away in the winter months? It can be confusing to know whether the cold weather killed off the unwelcome pests or if they are simply hibernating.

The truth is that bed bugs do not hibernate, but they may enter a dormant state when it’s cold to conserve their energy. Homeowners should not take their momentary disappearance as a sign that the infestation is gone forever.

Next, it’s normal to see dead bed bugs around your home before and after professional treatments. Seeing them before a treatment indicates that there are more nearby, and seeing them after treatment means that the treatment is working, but follow-up treatments may be needed.

Lastly, it’s important to understand the life cycle of bed bugs. They go through five stages before maturing into adulthood. Keep reading for everything you need to know about bed bugs.

Do Bed Bugs Hibernate?

While bed bugs … Read Full Post »

How To Inspect for Bed Bugs

two bed bugs

Bed bugs may be tiny creatures, but they can cause a large problem if you don’t catch them early on. Unfortunately, they can be hard to spot and identify. It’s easy to mistake other creepy crawlies like ticks, carpet beetles and baby roaches for bed bugs. It also doesn’t help that bed bug bites look similar to other insect bites and skin conditions like fungal infections and eczema. The longer you take to detect them, the more time they have to spread to other parts of your home.

Below is a guide on how to inspect for bed bugs. Learn about the most common signs of an infestation, what they look like, where they like to hide and how to prevent them from invading your space. If you have confirmed their presence in your home, it’s time to contact pest control professionals for help. It is hard to manage an infestation … Read Full Post »

Where to Sleep if You Have Bed Bugs

a bed bug on a bed

Bed bugs are unwanted house guests that can quickly take over the place in your home that is meant to be a sanctuary: your bed.

Most homeowners want to sleep in a different bed until the infestation is gone. However, that will only lead bed bugs to other areas of your home. The best thing to do is to continue sleeping in the same bed and contact a pest control specialist.

Reactions to bed bug bites vary from person to person, and they do not always show up right away. Monitoring your bites and knowing when to seek medical help is important.

Lastly, dry cleaning will kill bed bugs, but it is not an effective bed bug treatment. Working with a professional who can identify bed bug hiding places is the best way to kick these pests out of your home.

Where to Sleep if You Have Bed Bugs

As soon as you see a … Read Full Post »

Getting Bitten at Night But No Sign of Bed Bugs

closeup single bed bug crawling on mattress

Have you noticed red spots on your skin but you aren’t sure where they came from? It’s possible that you were bitten by a bed bug while you were sleeping.

For some, bed bug bites cause no reaction; however, others experience itchy red spots and symptoms of an allergic reaction.

If you suspect your bites are from bed bugs but haven’t noticed the signs of an infestation, it’s possible that they snuck in under your nose. Bed bugs are tiny insects that are excellent at hiding and can go unnoticed for a long time. Understanding the signs of an infestation and the side effects of bed bug bites can help you identify your problem.

There are several suggested home remedies for bed bugs, such as spraying them with rubbing alcohol, but most of them do not work. The most effective and thorough way to deal with a bed bug infestation is to call … Read Full Post »

Signs of a Few Bed Bugs Versus an Infestation

a bed bug on skin

If you have ever woken up with itchy, red bumps on your skin, you might write it off at first. But if the bites continue or you receive a lot of the bites at once, your thoughts might turn to bed bugs as the cause. Anyone can suffer from a bed bug infestation, no matter how clean they keep themselves and their home.

Bed bugs are parasites that rely on the blood of human or animal hosts for the food they need to survive. You can get the bites anywhere on your body. However, you are most likely to be bitten anywhere your skin is exposed while sleeping, such as on your arms, back, face, neck and legs.

It can be hard to tell the difference between flea or spider bites versus bed bug bites. Generally, the bites will have a dark red center and a small blister in the center. and … Read Full Post »

Do Bed Bugs Jump?

a bed bug on a person's skin

Bed bugs are annoying and unwelcome pests. These small, oval, brownish insects feed on the blood of humans and animals. An adult bed bug is about the size of an apple seed and tends to swell and turn reddish after feeding.

Unlike ants or bees, these pests don’t build nests but hang out in groups in dark, out-of-the-way hiding places. These often include mattresses, box springs, bed frames and headboards.

In time their numbers can increase as they seek other hiding spots, including other nearby rooms. Bed bugs can be found almost anywhere there’s potential for a suitable host.

Do Bed Bugs Jump?

Bed bugs make use of anyone traveling from place to place. These unwanted hitchhikers will hide in the creases and folds of just about any mode of transport, including suitcases, backpacks, bedding and furniture.

Unlike fleas, which can jump great distances, bed bugs have no jumping abilities and must instead crawl across … Read Full Post »

Common Bed Bug Hiding Places

two bed bugs

Are bed bugs infesting your home and biting you at night? These pests are not only invasive, but they can also cause you physical discomfort.

The first step to getting rid of bed bugs is identifying their hiding places. They are resilient bugs that can hide inside tiny crevices, so it’s easy for them to go unnoticed. Some of the favorite hiding spots include mattress piping, cracks in the bed frame and inside your box springs.

An advanced bed bug infestation will also spread away from your bed. It’s possible to find them hiding and laying eggs in your curtains, especially if you keep them closed most of the time.

What are the Common Bed Bug Hiding Places?

Bed bugs are invasive pests that can hide in discreet places. Their bodies are the width of a credit card, meaning they can squeeze into tiny places and go unseen for a long time. Despite their … Read Full Post »

Do Bed Bugs Have Wings?

two bed bugs

Do bed bugs have wings? This is a question people often ask pest control professionals when they find a bug in the bed. Bed bugs do not have wings. If you find a winged insect in your bedroom, it may be a carpet beetle or something else. But, if you find a wingless bug, it may be a bed bug.

Bed bugs are a serious issue, so it’s smart to learn what these pests look like. They are notoriously hard to get rid of. If you suspect you may have an infestation, you need to have it dealt with quickly. For that to happen, you need to know how to identify these pests to determine the right way to get rid of them.

Fortunately, experienced pest control specialists know exactly how to identify bed bugs, along with any other pests that might find their way into your bedroom. It’s important to note … Read Full Post »