ABC Blog

Your Yard Is Yours—Reclaim It!

If you’ve long been fighting the epic battle to remove weeds from your lawn, you need not pull every last hair out of your head. In fact, you don’t even need to use harsh chemicals. By committing to a few organic lawn care techniques that will keep your yard in great shape, you’ll be able to enjoy green grass throughout the entire year. Those dastardly weeds will go the way of the dodo, and you’ll soon feel confident enough to hold picnics, barbecues and family gatherings on your unblemished lawn.

Discover the Joys of Mulch

Mulch is an excellent way to keep your lawn healthy. If you have a specific corner of the yard that’s dedicated to small bushes, you can sprinkle mulch around the roots of the plants to keep the soil moist. This will block light from reaching the weeds. In fact, weeds that have not yet sprouted will be … Read Full Post »

Compost Piles: Do They Attract Insects?

One of the easiest ways to get rid of kitchen scraps and other organic waste from around our homes is to compost. Maintaining a healthy compost pile doesn’t take much space or attention. The benefit is nutrient-rich soil that develops in just a few months and can be used to improve soil in gardens and around the yard.

Composting reduces the amount of solid waste that would otherwise go to landfills. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that 20% to 30% of what we throw away is organic material that can be composted. By composting, we get good soil and cut down on what goes to landfills.

A compost pile doesn’t need fancy equipment, just a space in your yard or garden that isn’t too wet or too sunny so that the organic materials will get the right amount of air and water to decompose quickly. The climate in the Houston area … Read Full Post »

Checklist for Cleaning Up Your Lawn Act

You’ve cleaned up the last of the dead leaves, finished mowing the lawn, and trimmed dead flowers from your landscaping beds. Your home’s lawn maintenance is nearly done, but you still have a few last chores to complete.

Clean Your Gutters

Even though you cleaned up your yard, there are likely thousands of leaves trapped in your gutters, which will overflow during heavy rainfall. Besides making the ground around your home a muddy mess, sitting water can actually cause foundation damage, so you want to make sure that your gutters are completely clean before the temperature drops below freezing.

Trim Dead Branches

Dead branches can snap off and cause damage if it snows, so trim off any dead branches that you can easily reach with a ladder. Hire a tree trimming company if you can’t reach high branches. Large branches make great firewood logs, and you can use smaller branches as kindling.

Prepare Engines

Once all … Read Full Post »

Exposing Mowing Myths

Do you spend a lot of time primping and preening your San Antonio lawn, only to notice that it still doesn’t look as nice as you’d like? Have you noticed that your neighbor rarely spends any time at all on lawn maintenance and yet his grass looks terrific? If so, this article may help. There are many myths surrounding mowing and proper lawn care, and described below are the top five myths of all time.

1. You should mow your grass extra short at the end of fall.

Many people are under the belief that they should mow their grass extra short right before winter begins. However, this is simply not so. If you have cool-season grass, a two-inch cut is fine. On the other hand, two and a half inches is recommended for tall fescue.

2. Never leave grass clippings on your lawn.

This couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, in … Read Full Post »

When Should I Have My Lawn Aerated?

After mowing, watering, trimming, raking and mulching, you think you’ve met your lawn care needs, but then that pesky aeration word pops up and bursts your daydream thought bubble. Do you really need to aerate? If you want one of the lushest, greenest lawns in San Antonio, you do. Fortunately, you only need to aerate your lawn twice each year, so you don’t have to fret about it regularly.

With San Antonio’s dry climate, we recommend aerating during early spring, around March 15, and again in fall, around October 15. If your lawn receives abundant traffic, however, you might consider aerating up to five times each year. Spring aeration prepares your yard for new grass growth, and fall aeration helps your lawn recover from an activity-filled summer. Additionally, Texas A&M Agrilife Extension recognizes the holes left in the lawn behind the aeration machine as perfect little feeding tubes for water, fertilizer, … Read Full Post »

Keeping the Grass Greener on Your Side

As the weather cools, it can take more and more work to keep your lawn looking healthy and green. Instead of throwing in the towel and putting off your lawn care and maintenance projects until the spring, let the pros at ABC Home & Commercial Services of Dallas take over. In this post, we’ve outlined four professional lawn care projects that can save time and reduce your stress level during the cool season.

1. De-Stress Fertilization and Weed Control

Although fertilization is especially important for cool-season grasses, it’s important to take steps to protect the health of your lawn throughout the year. We use winter-safe fertilizers to prepare your grass for the cold days ahead. These applications might be tricky and stressful to pull off on your own, but they’re a snap for our seasoned lawn care team.

Cool-season weed control is also key. While occasional frosts and freezes can limit weed growth … Read Full Post »

Flower or Fungus: How Can You Tell?

You might have trouble remembering critical differences between plants and fungi unless you’re a botanist. Don’t let this get you down. While their cell structures and metabolic processes are very different, many types of plants and fungi appear to grow and reproduce in similar ways. Consult this handy guide if you see a strange organism popping up through your lawn’s grass.

Are All Fungi Bad?

First, it’s important to note that not all fungi harm your lawn. Many species break down organic matter that can harbor grass-eating pests or give rise to weeds that choke the life out of your lawn. Indeed, many homeowners use fungi in walled-off areas to break down organic waste like sawdust, wood chips, mulch, tree droppings, and food byproducts.

Critical Types of Flower-Mimicking Fungi

Here’s some helpful science: Mushrooms are the “fruiting bodies” of the underground fungal structure known as mycelium. In other words, they’re the “flowers” of the … Read Full Post »

A Healthy Lawn Needs Good Soil

Although it may seem like some people just have green thumbs that let them create flourishing lawns and gardens, this superstition couldn’t be farther from the truth. In reality, your lawn’s health is entirely dependent on the quality of the soil beneath.

Just like your home needs a good foundation, your grass, veggie gardens and decorative plants must have good earth if they’re to grow strong. Here are a few tips on demystifying your quest for healthier home landscaping by creating better soil.

The Fertilizer Misconception

Many homeowners labor under the mistaken impression that they can simply dump fertilizer on the ground every season and sit back while their plants take it all in. While this approach is well intentioned, it’s sorely misguided.

Fertilizers work by providing plants with vital nutrients, but you can definitely overfeed your lawn. Although your grass won’t start to pack on pounds like a person might if they ate … Read Full Post »

5 Reasons Why You Should Map Your Irrigation System

While the amount of work that goes into setting up a lawn or garden irrigation system may tempt you to get it installed and be done with it, you should document the process. Even if your system works admirably for years and you never change a thing, knowing exactly where all the conduits and sprinkler control valves are will be helpful later. Read on to learn why mapping out your irrigation system with the help of a Houston lawn care specialist is such a good idea.

1. Ensuring Coverage Efficiency

Mapping things out before you start minimizes the water your system requires to keep your lawn healthy. This may not be a big concern, but if your area suffers a drought or implements summer water usage restrictions, your irrigation map will help you avoid watering the same place twice so that your plot stays green and pretty while your neighbors’ are fading.

2. … Read Full Post »

Green Grass Needs More Than Water

What’s that subtle sound? It’s your grass begging for a little TLC. While it’s true that frequent watering will keep your lawn healthy in the blistering San Antonio heat, watering restrictions are definitely a consideration. Not to mention, your lawn needs and deserves so much more than water in order to remain healthy.

Green with Envy

Your neighbors will talk about your lawn—it’s just a fact of life. Give them something to talk about with a luscious lawn that makes them want to kick off their shoes and walk barefoot right up to your front door to ask you what your secret is.

Caring for Your Lawn

➢ Fertilize on Schedule

Proper fertilization is key, but it must be done at the right times of year and with the right blend for your type of grass. For example, a fertilizer formulated for Bermuda grass would kill St. Augustine. It’s important to know exactly which breed … Read Full Post »