Your Yard Is Yours—Reclaim It!
If you’ve long been fighting the epic battle to remove weeds from your lawn, you need not pull every last hair out of your head. In fact, you don’t even need to use harsh chemicals. By committing to a few organic lawn care techniques that will keep your yard in great shape, you’ll be able to enjoy green grass throughout the entire year. Those dastardly weeds will go the way of the dodo, and you’ll soon feel confident enough to hold picnics, barbecues and family gatherings on your unblemished lawn.
Discover the Joys of Mulch
Mulch is an excellent way to keep your lawn healthy. If you have a specific corner of the yard that’s dedicated to small bushes, you can sprinkle mulch around the roots of the plants to keep the soil moist. This will block light from reaching the weeds. In fact, weeds that have not yet sprouted will be … Read Full Post »