How Often To Water Lawn In Summer

As we all know, the official start to summer is in late June.
The truth is, homeowners in Texas and other southern states know that temperatures can start inching up in April or May, depending on the year.
Because of this, many people wonder when and how to adjust their lawn watering schedule to ensure that grass and plants survive our dry and hot summer months.
Do you water a little bit every day? Water only once a week, but leave the sprinklers on for a long time to let the water really soak down? Forgo watering altogether because you had a rainy spring and your plants are looking great?
Then, you may wonder when exactly to set your sprinklers. What time should you water your lawn, if and when you do?
Maybe you have been inconsistent in your watering from year to year, and it’s just not working. Perhaps you have a water-logged … Read Full Post »