ABC Blog

Central Texas Drought May Be Producing Mutant Mosquitoes

The newly improved pests bring bigger bites and fatter bodies to your backyard

For homeowners in Central Texas, the ongoing drought has many ramifications. Drought conditions change the way you maintain your lawn and use water in your home. They may even impact your pocketbook at the grocery store, where the effects of droughts across the nation are seen in food prices. You might be surprised to learn that the drought is also having an intriguing impact on one of the state’s most hated pests, the mosquito.

Are Mutant Mosquitoes Biting in Your Backyard?

Mosquitoes, known for their irritating bites, rely on water sources in order to lay eggs and maintain their populations. In fact, these bothersome pests are often found in areas with standing water such as still streams and backyard puddles. For many homeowners, the ongoing drought seems like the perfect solution to burgeoning mosquito populations.

Unfortunately, this just isn’t the case. … Read Full Post »

The Tiny Mosquito: A Big Texas Buzzkill

Smart strategies for swatting the swarms

On a warm summer evening, it’s easy to think that all of Texas’ 85 different species of mosquitoes live right here in Bryan-College Station. How much do you really know about these pesky insects? Before they turn your next backyard barbecue into a swat fest, fight back with a little knowledge and some smart outdoor strategies.

Only Ladies Bite

These little buzzers are considered the vampires of insects, but they don’t really drink your blood. Only lady mosquitoes bite, and they pull protein from your blood when they’re carrying eggs. Males live exclusively on sugar from plants. They use their long proboscises to gather juice and nectar, but females are equipped with cutting edge technology for piercing skin. These insect vampires have 47 sharp points attached to their skinny snouts. The tiny razors are called stylets, and this physical oddity is the source of myths about mosquitoes … Read Full Post »

Is Your Yard a Mosquito Paradise?

mosquitoes atlanta, pest control orlando

When your pool party turns into an all-you-can-eat buffet for mosquitoes, it can feel like you’ve been engulfed by an indestructible horde of the pesky insects. The truth is that mosquitoes are fragile and need very specific conditions to breed. Here is everything you need to know about what a mosquito looks for in a home–and how to make your yard into an undesirable neighborhood.

For a mosquito, curb appeal begins with water. Specifically, dirty water that’s been sitting for a while. Why is water so important? Mosquito larvae filter nutrients from stagnant water, which means the old planter at the corner of the garage is prime real estate. The tire swing can turn into a luxury condo complex just four days after a good rainstorm. And, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), even an upturned bottle-cap can become a studio apartment for the house-hunting mosquito on a budget. … Read Full Post »

How to Add a Water Feature Without Attracting Mosquitoes

How to stop mosquitoes breeding in water features


Ponds, fountains and other water features can transform your backyard into a tranquil oasis. If you live near a highway or in a noisy area, water features can drown out ambient noise and replace it with a soothing, natural sound. Adding a water feature can also enhance existing landscaping, often at a marginal cost and with little required maintenance. Lastly, providing a water source in your yard can help local wildlife, including birds, butterflies and hummingbirds. There is one animal that you don’t want to attract when you add water to your landscape, however: mosquitoes.

How to stop mosquitoes breeding in water features

Most species of mosquitoes lay their eggs in water. Larvae can thrive in even an ounce of standing water. With that in mind, if you do want to add a pond, waterfall or a fountain to your landscape, you’ll want to learn how to add a water feature without attracting … Read Full Post »