Are There Mosquito Repellent Plants?

Many homeowners invest a significant amount of time and energy into making their outdoor spaces inviting places to relax and unwind. Unfortunately, there is a common pest that often interferes with these well-laid plans: the mosquito. With the wide variety of mosquito control products available, it’s easy to be overwhelmed. One approach you may have heard of is to put plants in your backyard that keep mosquitoes away. Citronella grass, lemongrass, lemon balm, catnip, bee balm, peppermint, rosemary, lavender and basil are all varieties that are purported to be effective for natural mosquito control.
Unfortunately, scientific studies have shown that it’s not the plants themselves that mosquitoes don’t like. It’s actually the oil in the leaves which contains properties that can repel these bothersome biting insects. That means that you would need to crush the leaves of these plants to extract the oils and rub those oils on your skin to … Read Full Post »