ABC Blog

Do Termites Die in the Winter?

a house in winter

Termites are extremely destructive and can damage your biggest investment—your home. You may be wondering, when the weather cools down, are you still at risk of a termite infestation? Should you still be on the lookout for signs of termites or do termites die in winter?

The reality is that termites like things warm. In warmer climates, these insects will be active all year long. In places where it gets cold for at least part of the year, it is a bit of a different story. When temperatures hit about 25 degrees Fahrenheit, a termite can die within minutes. So self-preservation means that when temperatures get to around 50 degrees, termites start moving farther underground, where the soil is warmer.

One of the most common types of termite in the U.S., the subterranean termite, not only loves warmth, but also prefers wetter conditions. Just after a rain is a prime time … Read Full Post »

Flying Termites After Rain: Should I Be Worried?

a group of flying termites

Have you ever wondered why flying termites are more likely to make an appearance after it rains? Homeowners often wonder what this means and what they need to do.

There are a number of factors that influence when termites swarm, including humidity and warmth. Right after a spring rainstorm, the environment is perfect for flying termites to leave the nest and find a mate so they can start a new colony.

Unfortunately, spotting flying termites is an indication that there is already a large termite colony nearby. You should not take this lightly since termites can cause severe structural damage.

There are several species of flying termites, and they can be a variety of colors, including black flying termites. While these pests do not bite, they can cause damage to your home.

Why Are There Flying Termites After Rain?

Rain can stimulate termite activity, so it’s normal to see these pests after rainfall. However, some … Read Full Post »

Mole Versus Mouse: Which Pest Do I Have?

brown mouse perched on woodwork outside

Do you know the difference between a mole versus a mouse? While the two animals seem similar, there are key differences that can help homeowners tell them apart.

The first major difference is that, unlike mice, moles are not actually rodents. Other differences between moles and mice include their appearance, habitats, nesting habits and diet.

While it’s common to find mice inside your home or on your property, moles live most of their lives underground. The only time homeowners may see them is when they surface to find a mate.

The more you know about the differences between a mole and a mouse, the easier it is to identify a pest problem. Both moles and mice can cause property damage, so it’s best to catch an infestation early. A pest control specialist can help you identify which animal is causing you problems and provide solutions to kick them off your property.

Mouse Appearance, Habits, … Read Full Post »

Common Bed Bug Hiding Places

two bed bugs

Are bed bugs infesting your home and biting you at night? These pests are not only invasive, but they can also cause you physical discomfort.

The first step to getting rid of bed bugs is identifying their hiding places. They are resilient bugs that can hide inside tiny crevices, so it’s easy for them to go unnoticed. Some of the favorite hiding spots include mattress piping, cracks in the bed frame and inside your box springs.

An advanced bed bug infestation will also spread away from your bed. It’s possible to find them hiding and laying eggs in your curtains, especially if you keep them closed most of the time.

What are the Common Bed Bug Hiding Places?

Bed bugs are invasive pests that can hide in discreet places. Their bodies are the width of a credit card, meaning they can squeeze into tiny places and go unseen for a long time. Despite their … Read Full Post »

Paper Wasp: Identification & Control Guide

a paper wasp

Just the word “wasp” can make most people shudder, as it brings to mind a fear of getting stung. It can be difficult to know whether or not the flying insect you see threatens you and your loved ones. Once you spot them, you want them gone as soon as possible. But before you do, here is some information on identifying wasps and how they live.

Some types of wasps can be beneficial, and that includes paper wasps. If you like to garden, especially if you grow vegetables and flowers, the presence of these wasps might be a welcome sight. These social wasps feed on other insects that can harm the things you grow. How do you know if the buzzy bugs you see are the “good” kind? Check their markings. Or contact a pest control expert who can assess the population and let you know if you have anything to … Read Full Post »

I Found Dead Termites On My Windowsill

dead termites on a windowsill

Spotting dead termites on your windowsill is an unpleasant experience as a homeowner, and it means you have a bigger termite problem. Why do dead termites end up on your window sill, and what does it mean for the rest of your home?

Dead termites on your windowsill are a sign that swarmer termites were trying to mate and start new colonies on your property. It also means that there may be a pre-existing colony in your home.

Along with seeing termite swarms, there are other common signs of termites in your home. It’s important for homeowners to understand the signs so that they can act quickly to control a termite infestation.

Termites can cause costly damage to your home, and one of the worst species is the Formosan termite. This article will break down how to identify these pests, how to prevent them from getting inside your home and what to do … Read Full Post »

Voles Versus Moles: Which Pest Do I Have?

multiple molehills in grassy area

Few things can frustrate a homeowner more than finding destructive hills and holes burrowed around their lawn. Burrowing pests like voles and moles cause millions of dollars in property damage in the U.S. every year. If you have noticed these mounds in your yard, you may be wondering which pest you’re dealing with. After all, all you can see is that something is destroying your yard. 

Here is how to differentiate between a vole and a mole.

Mole Identification

Moles grow to an average length of 4 to 7 inches, and have paddle-shaped hind feet and disproportionately large digging claws. Their elongated head features very small eyes and ears that are not externally visible. The mole’s body is covered in a pelt of smooth, brownish-black fur which has no grain. This unique feature allows them to move through their tunnels with very little friction.

Moles can dig at an incredible rate, nearly twenty feet … Read Full Post »

Common Signs of a Carpenter Ant Infestation

a carpenter ant

If you’ve seen what look like ants with black tails and reddish-brown heads around your home, you may be dealing with a carpenter ant infestation. Carpenter ants are annoying pests in homes because they chew through wood. This causes structural damage that can be a nuisance to fix. If you have a carpenter ant infestation, it should be addressed quickly.

Signs of Carpenter Ants In Your Home

What are the common signs of a carpenter ant infestation? First, you might notice ants themselves. Their bodies are reddish-brown or black in color and up to a quarter-inch to a half-inch in length. Most people see carpenter ants in places with a ready water source, like the kitchen or bathroom. Carpenter ants swarm in spring, usually after a warm rain. Swarmers are reproductive ants with wings. You might see the winged ants or the wings they shed after swarming out of the nest to … Read Full Post »

Rodents in Florida: Identification & Control Guide

mouse peeking from dirt hole

Florida is home to a variety of rodent species, including rats, mice, squirrels and others. It’s valuable for Florida homeowners to learn how to identify the different types of rodents they may encounter.

Some rodents in Florida, such as house mice, roof rats and Norway rats are more commonly found indoors than others. Noticing the signs of these rodents can help homeowners catch an infestation before it can get out of control.

It’s also important to know about the appearance, habits and diet of Florida rodents. Rats and mice are excellent climbers, swimmers and jumpers and can make their homes in a variety of locations in your house.

Finally, learn simple ways to deter mice and rats from entering your home. If you already have an infestation, call a pest control specialist today.

Types of Rodents in Florida

Several types of rodents call Florida home, and it isn’t limited to mice and rats. Here are … Read Full Post »

Identifying Mouse Poop Versus Roach Poop

a cockroach near cockroach droppings

When you find strange droppings around your home, you want to know exactly what kind of pest you’re dealing with. Knowing what you’re dealing with is the best way to know how to get rid of an infestation. To identify mouse poop versus roach poop, it’s important to know what each type of poop looks like and where it’s commonly found. Fortunately, there are several key differences between mouse poop and roach poop that can give you clues as to which pest is infesting your home.


Both mouse poop and roach poop are medium to dark brown in color. Mouse poop is about the size and shape of dried grains of rice, and poop from bigger roaches can be almost as big as mouse poop. But a key difference between them is that mouse poop is pointed and pinched off at the ends. Roach poop, on the other hand, is more … Read Full Post »