Ants Are Only Cute in Movies
In the movies, ants are cute creatures that everyone roots for; however, they can damage your home in real life. Because of this, contacting a professional pest control company is vital as soon as you notice signs of an infestation. Remember that ants nest in the crevices and cracks of your property and that they will also scavenge through your home, looking for food supplies.
The Danger of a Carpenter Ant Infestation
If you notice giant black ants in your home, you most likely have an infestation of carpenter ants. This particular ant species can cause extensive and costly damage to your home. Once their nests have been built into your home, you will likely experience issues with your structural wood, rigid foam insulation, sheathing, and subflooring. Unfortunately, carpenter ants are widespread in many areas, including Orlando. Remember that carpenter ants that nest outside don’t pose any risk to your home.
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