Will Texas Oak Wilt Spread to Other Trees in My Yard?
From high blood pressure and Type II diabetes to emphysema and elevated cholesterol, humans have to deal with many diseases that doctors call “silent killers.” You might be surprised to learn that common tree species face similar threats. While your white or red oaks won’t come down with diabetes anytime soon, they may face a “silent killer” of their own: Texas oak wilt. Learn more about how to prevent the spread of this tree-killing disease.
What Is Texas Oak Wilt?
Texas oak wilt is a fungal infection that resides in the vascular systems of healthy trees. Over time, it kills most if not all of the trees that it infects. However, its precise progression depends on the species of the infected tree and certain environmental conditions.
Recognizing the Signs
The fungus that causes Texas oak wilt can spend months in a dormant or semi-dormant state within the vascular systems of affected oaks. In red … Read Full Post »