ABC Blog

When Tiny Armies Invade

When most people think of ants, they imagine ant beds and picnic basket invasions. Unfortunately, several different types and sizes of ants are invading homes in Texas. It is important to know how to identify and implement effective pest control in Bryan-College Station.

Identifying Ants

Ants are classified in size as tiny, medium and large. The most common types of ants in the local area include the following:

–Fire ants are medium in size, and their colors include dark red and brown. These ants are known for making hill dwellings.

-Carpenter ants are a mixture of black, brown or orange colors. These large ants are known for being nocturnal and making dwellings in uninhabited spaces.

-Medium-sized acrobat ants look similar in color to carpenter ants. Trees are their usual choices for colonization.

–Pharaoh ants are tan, tiny and almost translucent. These ants prefer sugary foods.

–Crazy ants are fast and run erratically. They are found in buildings … Read Full Post »

Armed and Dangerous: Dallas Bugs to Avoid

Wasp and bee stings, tick infestations, spider bites and painful stings from scorpions are common in Dallas, particularly during the summer and fall. To keep businesses and homeowners protected from dangerous pest infestations throughout the year, ABC Home & Commercial Services provides professional extermination and prevention services to the entire Dallas area. Our extensive experience in Dallas pest control equips us with the specialized knowledge needed to keep insects and spiders of all kinds at bay throughout the year.

Though many insects and spiders are relatively harmless, a select few are dangerous. Here is a list of the most dangerous pests in the area, as well as important information regarding each:

Brown Recluse: The brown recluse, known for the fiddle-shaped mark on its back, prefers dark, quiet areas and may bite if startled. Effects of a bite may include fever, chills, pain, weakness and skin lesions. If you suspect that you or … Read Full Post »

Striped Bark Scorpions High in Numbers

Some unwanted guests are making frequent appearances in San Antonio due to this past summer’s heat: striped bark scorpions. They are the most common type of scorpion found in Texas, but San Antonio residents do not want these creepy critters taking up residence in their homes. Knowing more about these arthropods will help you avoid a direct encounter with them.

Where to Find Striped Bark Scorpions

Striped bark scorpions prefer cool, dark places. In outdoor locations, they can be found in crevices around buildings, under rocks and even under water dishes for pets. Unfortunately, they can easily get into homes through small cracks. Caulking around windows is important. Make sure doors have weather stripping to prevent spaces underneath. If there are any other unsealed openings into the home, seal them well. Keep in mind—scorpions can climb. When they do get into homes, they tend to hide in or under furniture, in shoes … Read Full Post »

Austin Landscaping: Four Seasons of Shrub Care

In Central Texas, a lush, green row of beautiful shrubs quickly offsets the often disagreeable heat, inviting friends and family to enjoy a bit of an oasis just outside your home. While watering, pruning and fertilizing are key factors in keeping your shrubbery healthy, these aspects of basic gardening work most efficiently when combined with a comprehensive lawn care system.

ABC Home & Commercial Services employs specialized Austin landscaping techniques in order to cater specifically to the various types of plant life found here. Rather than approach the care of your shrubbery and lawn with only spring and summer in mind, our team of experienced professionals believes that you deserve beautiful, healthy plants throughout the year. Our highly trained and certified lawn care experts work with you and your lawn to keep it looking its best, regardless of the season.

In order to provide customers with the best service available in Austin … Read Full Post »

Protecting Dallas Trees from Twig Girdlers

Twig girdlers are beetles that commonly attack pecan, chinaberry and mimosa trees in North Central Texas. Adult twig girdlers are easy to spot. Their long, brown bodies are anywhere from 1/2″ to 3/4″ long. Their wings are covered in orange, pink or yellow spots.

Twig girdlers are most abundant in the Dallas area between August and October. After mating, female twig girdlers will lay eggs in “V”-shaped notches they have chewed underneath branches. Newly-hatched larvae will feed on the host tree for up to two years. The larvae are not as easy to spot as the adults. This puts homeowners at a disadvantage because once the eggs are laid, adult twig girdlers will not likely hang around.

Damage is not usually noticed until the larvae have been feeding on the host tree for quite some time. Leaves will begin turning and twigs will fall. These parasites cause a great deal of harm … Read Full Post »

Not all Bugs are Pests needing Control

Bugs fascinate children; they love to watch an ant groom itself, a bee gather nectar, or a spider build its web. On the opposite end of the spectrum, adult attitudes toward insects are generally negative — the ant is a nuisance and the bee might sting!

Through these attitudes we send our children a clear, subconscious message that insects are unsafe, unclean, and unappealing. Most children adopt this viewpoint before they leave elementary school that the “only good bug is a dead bug.”

Although we work hard to rid your home of pests, we are insect lovers at heart! We see great value in what insects do for our ecosystem, and want to let you know that not all bugs are pests!

Aside from ladybugs (which are considered cute) and butterflies (they’re pretty), most insects are regarded with a certain degree of fear or revulsion. A few, like honey bees and praying mantis, may be … Read Full Post »

Crazy Ants are the new Pest Control Problem in the Austin Area

There’s a new ant in town, and wherever it goes, fire ants start disappearing. It also doesn’t sting or bite. But don’t get excited yet. The Rasberry crazy ant which showed up in Travis County and Round Rock this fall swarms into homes by the hundreds of thousands in search of food.

In the Houston area, where the ants are much more prevalent, they have already made some homeowners miserable, said Roger Gold, professor of entomology at Texas A&M University.

“People that have them said they wish they had the fire ants back,” he said. “We have pictures of families sweeping them up with brooms where there are piles of ants. … They can get into AC systems and short them out.”

When the ants get electrocuted they produce a pheromone that causes other ants to rush in, Gold said, leading to so many ants in the electrical system that it shorts out. … Read Full Post »

Expert Advice from College Station Bed Bug Exterminators

Bed Bugs have made a strong comeback and are moving quickly throughout our society once again. The best way to deal with bed bugs is to seek out a bed bug exterminator, as this invasive pest can be very difficult to get rid of without proper treatments. Bed Bugs present unique challenges to the bug extermination industry because Bed Bugs are great “hitchhikers”; they can hide in luggage, purses, clothing and even a wallet. They are very small in their young stages and difficult to find.

Bed Bugs can be transferred by individuals or live on possessions in homes, hotels, college dorms, apartments, and shelters. Once bed bugs have been introduced into a structure, they find numerous areas to harbor and continue to increase in population. Typically, they hide out in cracks and crevices during the day, coming out at night in search of a meal. Bed Bugs also lay eggs … Read Full Post »

Flea Extermination Dallas: 6 Common Misconceptions About Fleas

Now, more than ever, fleas are becoming a problem. In fact, according to a Kansas State University study, flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) is the most common dermatologic disease of domestic dogs. That’s because when fleas feed, they inject saliva that contains a variety of histamine like compounds, enzymes and amino acids that induce hypersensitivity. So, what do pet parents need to know to protect their pets?

Here are six common misconceptions about fleas:

1. If you don’t see fleas on your pet, there’s no need to worry about a flea allergy. 
FALSE! Even if you don’t see fleas, your pet can have a flea allergy. One flea bite from a flea can cause an allergic reaction. That one bite can make the pet scratch and/or bite the affected area for 7 days!

2. When it comes to a flea, you only need to worry about a flea bite. 
FALSE! If a cat or dog eats … Read Full Post »

The ABC Approach to Commercial Facility Inspection

ABC has a unique approach to Commercial Facility Inspection, that far-and-away sets us apart from the competition.

First of all we treat these facilities as a separate department within our organization . We believe that these accounts deserve our most detailed attention, so this department on services inspected/warehouse facilities. In addition ABC provides management expertise that is unsurpassed in the industry.

ABC offers bar code scanning and online reporting that will make information gathering a breeze. With state of the art equipment and technical expertise. ABC will enhance and exceed the expectations of any program.

The ABC staff can handle the demands of any inspection service. We understand the importance of the of the program and communication and will always make sure we protect your name and brand.

Learn more about all of our Commercial Services in Dallas and Fort Worth!

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