ABC Blog

How Long for Mosquito Eggs To Hatch?

mosquito eggs

Are mosquitoes causing problems for you and your family? These pesky insects can quickly become troubling because some species can lay hundreds of eggs in the span of a few weeks.

It’s important for homeowners to understand the life cycle of mosquitoes so that they can treat them at each stage. The best way to reduce populations of mosquitoes is to control mosquito eggs along with treating for adults.

Mosquito eggs typically hatch into larvae within a few days of being laid; however, some will remain in their eggs to wait out cold weather. Mosquitoes hatch in water and go through the stages of larvae and pupae before becoming adults. Once adults, they fly and mate.

They are thousands of mosquito species, and one problematic species are the Aedes mosquito. Aedes mosquitoes are known as “ankle biters” because they prefer to bite human ankles. They can also live and mate indoors, which makes … Read Full Post »

What To Do About Termites in Your Soil

termites in soil

Most homeowners have heard about the horrors of termites in their homes. These small pests build colonies numbering in the thousands or even millions. They feed on wood and can cause major property damage as they chew through houses, garages, decks, fencing and more. But what if you notice termites in the soil somewhere on your property? Should you be worried?

Unfortunately, if you find termites in the soil, they are likely to be subterranean termites—one of the most common and destructive termite species in the United States. These pests build their colonies in the ground near the wood that they feed on. If you see them in the soil, this is a sign that there is an active colony nearby.

Termites in the soil can also indicate a water leak or drainage problem. The reason subterranean termites build colonies in the soil is that they require damp conditions. Broken sprinkler lines, … Read Full Post »

Do Mosquitoes Die in the Cold?

a mosquito

There are many nice things about cooler weather. Arguably one of the best things about cooler temperatures is finally getting a break from mosquito activity. For lots of us, this is a big relief after months of warm weather when mosquitoes are active and bite us every time we step outside. But, does the absence of mosquitoes mean that mosquitoes die in the cold?

The unfortunate truth is that many types of mosquitoes do not die when it gets cold out. Instead, they go dormant until temperatures start to rise again. Other types of mosquitoes do die, but not before laying their last batch of eggs near a water source. Then, when temperatures rise again, the eggs start to move through their life cycle and a new generation of mosquitoes is born.

Mosquitoes are cold-blooded, which means they can’t regulate their body temperature when outdoor temperatures get hotter or colder. These pests … Read Full Post »

Mole Versus Mouse: Which Pest Do I Have?

brown mouse perched on woodwork outside

Do you know the difference between a mole versus a mouse? While the two animals seem similar, there are key differences that can help homeowners tell them apart.

The first major difference is that, unlike mice, moles are not actually rodents. Other differences between moles and mice include their appearance, habitats, nesting habits and diet.

While it’s common to find mice inside your home or on your property, moles live most of their lives underground. The only time homeowners may see them is when they surface to find a mate.

The more you know about the differences between a mole and a mouse, the easier it is to identify a pest problem. Both moles and mice can cause property damage, so it’s best to catch an infestation early. A pest control specialist can help you identify which animal is causing you problems and provide solutions to kick them off your property.

Mouse Appearance, Habits, … Read Full Post »

Paper Wasp: Identification & Control Guide

a paper wasp

Just the word “wasp” can make most people shudder, as it brings to mind a fear of getting stung. It can be difficult to know whether or not the flying insect you see threatens you and your loved ones. Once you spot them, you want them gone as soon as possible. But before you do, here is some information on identifying wasps and how they live.

Some types of wasps can be beneficial, and that includes paper wasps. If you like to garden, especially if you grow vegetables and flowers, the presence of these wasps might be a welcome sight. These social wasps feed on other insects that can harm the things you grow. How do you know if the buzzy bugs you see are the “good” kind? Check their markings. Or contact a pest control expert who can assess the population and let you know if you have anything to … Read Full Post »

Voles Versus Moles: Which Pest Do I Have?

multiple molehills in grassy area

Few things can frustrate a homeowner more than finding destructive hills and holes burrowed around their lawn. Burrowing pests like voles and moles cause millions of dollars in property damage in the U.S. every year. If you have noticed these mounds in your yard, you may be wondering which pest you’re dealing with. After all, all you can see is that something is destroying your yard. 

Here is how to differentiate between a vole and a mole.

Mole Identification

Moles grow to an average length of 4 to 7 inches, and have paddle-shaped hind feet and disproportionately large digging claws. Their elongated head features very small eyes and ears that are not externally visible. The mole’s body is covered in a pelt of smooth, brownish-black fur which has no grain. This unique feature allows them to move through their tunnels with very little friction.

Moles can dig at an incredible rate, nearly twenty feet … Read Full Post »

How To Get Rid of Mice Outdoors

brown mouse outside on wooden garden border

Most homeowners stress over an indoor mouse infestation; however, an outdoor infestation can become just as much of an annoyance. Outdoor mice can wreck havoc on your lawn and garden. They also leave droppings that can spread disease, and their urine has an unpleasant smell. 

It’s important for homeowners to understand why mice are drawn to their lawns so that they can take the necessary steps to get rid of them. An outdoor mouse problem can also quickly lead to an indoor infestation, so it’s important to be able to recognize the signs.

If you suspect that there are mice taking up residence on your property or inside your home, contact a pest control expert.

Why Do Pests Like My Lawn?

The first step in getting rid of outdoor mice or any type of outdoor pest is to make your lawn inhospitable to them. There are several reasons why mice may be attracted to … Read Full Post »

Are Moles Nocturnal?

a mole in dirt

Do you know the common mole characteristics and signs of a mole problem in your yard? Most homeowners believe that moles are nocturnal animals, which is not the case. However, it is still unlikely that you will see a mole in broad daylight because of their behaviors.

The easiest way to identify a mole problem is by the damage they create in your yard. Moles dig underground tunnels that run like a freeway system below your feet. Their runways can destroy plant and tree roots and damage your grass. Plus, the dirt mounds and molehills that they leave behind are unsightly.

A pest control expert can control your mole problem, whether you have a solitary mole in your yard or a whole family. Moles reproduce at a young age and can have several pups in one litter.

Are Moles Nocturnal?

Contrary to popular belief, moles are not nocturnal. However, they are most active during … Read Full Post »

What Do Mice Hate?

a mouse outside

A mouse infestation is a common problem that any homeowner can face. When it comes to dealing with this kind of problem, you have options. There are natural do-it-yourself methods for mice repellent such as using scents that mice hate.

However, to fully control a mouse population, you need to use multiple strategies. Sealing up entry points, removing food and water sources and using traps are some examples.

It’s also important to know about mice’s habits, such as their reproduction cycle and why they chew through wires. The more you know about mice, the more you can prevent them from entering your home and causing problems.

The most effective way to deal with a mouse problem in your home or on your property is to contact a rodent control specialist. However, there are measures you can take on your own. Keep reading to learn about what mice hate, using scent against them and … Read Full Post »

Do Mice Make Noise?

a mouse on gravel

Do mice make noise? This is a question pest control professionals get a lot. Mice are relatively small animals, so the noises they make aren’t very loud—but they do make various noises. And, the more mice there are, the easier it becomes to hear them.

If you think you are hearing mice making sounds, it is a possibility that you have a mouse infestation. It’s also possible that you’re hearing something else that isn’t mice. The noise could be from another rodent or other animal, and it should be checked out by a professional without delay. If mice are active in your home or anywhere else on your property, there will probably be other, more obvious signs besides the noises they make.

One of the most common signs of a mouse problem is finding mouse droppings. These are about the size and shape of grains of rice, and are dark brown or … Read Full Post »