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Understanding Different Types of Ants and How to Control Them

Mosquito Control service - ABC Home & Commercial Services - Houston, TX

Ants are one of the most prevalent household pests, known for their persistence and ability to infiltrate homes and businesses in search of food and shelter. Understanding the different types of ants and how to control them is essential for maintaining a pest-free environment. This comprehensive guide will provide detailed information about various ant species, their behaviors, and effective strategies for managing and preventing infestations.

Different ant species have unique characteristics and nesting habits, making it important to identify the type of ant infestation you are dealing with. For instance, carpenter ants are notorious for damaging wooden structures as they build their ant nests, while other ant species might be in search of food. Recognizing the signs of an ant infestation early on can help in implementing the right ant control measures.

To effectively kill ants and get rid of them from your home or business, it’s crucial to locate their nests. … Read Full Post »

Navigating Mosquito Season: Insights and Strategies for Houston Residents

Mosquito Control service - ABC Home & Commercial Services - Houston, TX

Houston’s Mosquito Exterminators: Winning the War Against Pests

Houston, prepare for the inevitable return of mosquito season! These tiny, persistent pests can quickly take the fun out of outdoor activities with one bite. However, armed with knowledge and proactive measures, you can minimize mosquito encounters and maximize their enjoyment of the season. In this post, we’ll delve into the nuances of mosquito activity in Houston and provide practical strategies to keep them at bay.

Understanding Mosquito Activity in Houston:

Houston’s humid subtropical climate creates ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes. With ample rainfall and warm temperatures, these insects thrive year-round, with peak activity occurring from spring through fall. Mosquitoes in Houston are not just nuisances; they also pose health risks by transmitting diseases such as West Nile virus, Zika virus, and Dengue fever.

What other factors are influencing mosquito activity in Houston?

  • Weather Conditions: Mosquitoes are most active during warm, humid weather, which is … Read Full Post »

A Comprehensive Guide to Home Maintenance

Gutter Cleaning, Exterior Care, and Power Washing Tips for Houston Homeowners

Hello, Houston homeowners! Have you ever found yourself pondering the best ways to keep your abode shining, especially when the rain decides to make an appearance? Well, you’re in for a treat! This in-depth guide is here to provide you with insights into cleaning gutters, exterior care, and pressure washing, with a dash of wisdom tailored specifically for those rainy days.

How Often Should I Clean My Gutters?

The frequency of gutter cleaning is a common concern for homeowners, and rightly so. It greatly depends on your location and the surrounding environment. In Houston, where heavy rainfall and lush greenery are part of the landscape, cleaning your gutters every 3-4 months is advisable. Regular maintenance is the key to preventing water overflow and the associated issues that can arise from clogged gutters.
Understanding your local climate and the foliage around your home … Read Full Post »

What To Know About Grass Seeding in Winter

grass seed

Is it a good idea to plant new grass seeds in the winter months when your lawn is typically dormant? While it may sound counterproductive, grass seeding in the winter is actually an effective strategy that can help you get a head start on your new lawn before spring.

What to Know About Grass Seeding in Winter

Are you looking to revive your lawn by planting new grass seedlings in spring? You may not have to wait that long. Grass seeding in the winter, also known as “dormant seeding,” is a strategy many lawn care professionals use to ensure a lush lawn when the weather warms up.

As its name suggests, grass seeding in the winter means that you plant new grass seeds in the winter months. The seeds lie dormant until the weather changes and the soil is warm enough for the seeds to germinate.

While it may seem counterintuitive to plant new … Read Full Post »

How Long Does It Take for Grass To Grow?

a lawn

Do you know how long it takes for grass to grow? New grass seedlings require care and attention to grow into sturdy and beautiful grass. How long it takes for the grass to grow depends on several factors, such as grass type and climate. However, there are some general rules about the grass planting process.

How Long Does It Take for Grass To Grow?

The amount of time it takes for grass to grow varies based on the species of grass seed you plant. For most grass seed species, you can expect to see growth at around 10 to 14 days.

However, it can also be common to take up to 30 days to see new growth after planting. On average, grass seedlings take around two months to turn into a fully grown lawn.

The rate at which your new grass seedlings grow depends on several factors, including soil conditions, climate, grass type and … Read Full Post »

How Much Grass Seed Do I Need?

a handful of grass seed

Do you dream of having a luscious green lawn? A healthy lawn starts with grass seeds, and it’s crucial to plant the seeds properly to achieve the lawn of your dreams.

How Much Grass Seed Do I Need?

Wondering how much grass seed you need for your lawn? You aren’t alone. Many homeowners worry about applying too much or too little grass seed, especially when starting a new lawn from scratch.

Lawn care professionals recommended using four to seven pounds of grass seed per 1,000 square feet of lawn space. This amount will provide healthy lawn coverage and allow your lawn to properly establish itself.

With a few calculations and considerations, you can determine the right amount of seed to use on your lawn.

First, measure the length and width of your lawn in feet. If your lawn is an odd shape that is difficult to measure, break it up into smaller sections. After you … Read Full Post »

Red Termites: Identification and Control Guide

red termites

Termites are an expensive problem to have at home. They can destroy almost anything, including wooden structures, insulation, books and filtration systems. Even the plants and trees in your backyard aren’t safe from these pests. They’re hard workers, wreaking havoc all year round. The needed repairs can leave a gaping hole in homeowners’ wallets.

While termites are common household pests, you might be surprised to see red variants invading your home. These are most likely drywood termite swarmers. It helps to know more about their characteristics and habits so you can identify them and control them.

Of course, you’ll need the help of pest control specialists. They have the tools and expertise to control termites and restore peace and comfort. It’s better to contact them sooner rather than later to prevent damage to your home.

Do Red Termites Exist?

We may not know it, but termites are all over the world. There are around … Read Full Post »

Are Mice Blind?

a mouse

Ever heard of the nursery rhyme “Three Blind Mice”? Well, there’s a bit of truth in it. While house mice aren’t entirely blind, they don’t have the best eyesight in the animal kingdom. They can only focus on objects that are a couple of feet away. On top of that, they’re colorblind.

But these hardy pests make up for their poor vision with incredible motion detection. That’s why they can navigate their way around your home and find food and shelter without trouble. If mice are invading your space, it helps to familiarize yourself with their traits and habits. That way, they can’t outsmart you.

If all else fails, seek professional help. Pest control specialists have the expertise and equipment to control these pests and restore peace in your home.

Are Mice Blind? How Do They Get Around?

Many animals depend on their impeccable vision to survive. But mice aren’t one of them. You … Read Full Post »

Mice in the Walls but Not in the House

a mouse outside

Did you know it’s common for a mouse colony to live in your house undetected? Mice are discreet and cautious pests that spend the daytime hiding and sleeping. However, at night, they emerge to hunt for food, water and nesting materials.

When you have a mouse infestation in your home, it’s common to hear them scurrying around in your walls, especially at night. It will sound like scratching inside your walls. You may notice it long before you see an actual mouse inside your home.

Mice can fit through tiny spaces, which is how they often enter homes unnoticed. However, several signs will alert you to their presence, such as finding holes in your clothes, spotting mouse droppings and smelling their urine.

Mouse pee smells like strong ammonia when it is fresh. Over time, the odor changes to smell like damp wood.

You do not need to see an actual mouse to know that … Read Full Post »

Where To See the Best Holiday Lights in Houston

holiday lights in houston

Wondering where to see the best holiday lights in Houston this year? Houston has a ton of sights and experiences to offer both locals and visitors year-round, and the holiday season is no exception. Whether you love spectacular winter wonderlands that twinkle with millions of lights, or your tastes run toward smaller, more intimate neighborhood displays, we’ve got you covered.

It’s always a good idea to start planning early. This is doubly true if you’ll be venturing out to one of the bigger, ticketed lights displays. As any Houstonian knows, parking and traffic can get hectic, especially around the holidays. Fortunately, a bit of advance planning will reduce some of the stress, so you and your loved ones can enjoy a purely festive time.

Here are some of the best options for taking in some holiday magic around Houston this Christmas:

  • Lightscape at the Houston Botanic Garden: This unique holiday lights and music … Read Full Post »