ABC Blog

How To Get Rid of Algae in Your Pool

green algae in a pool

Algae can grow in your pool overnight. If you’re lucky, it may only be a green film on the surface. Even that requires several steps to clear properly. If you’re not so lucky, you may be in for a lot more of a challenge to reclaim your hideaway.

Algae are plants. They don’t have much in common with land plants except that they use photosynthesis. Multi-cellular forms of algae are known as seaweed. The algae that invade your pool are single-cell forms. One of the problems with the algae in your pool is they sometimes harbor bacteria.

Algae are everywhere. They can travel by wind, colonizing any water they happen to land in. They can also fall in raindrops. Algae also cling to objects, so swimsuits, pool toys, and even your dog can bring algae from a swimming hole (or a mud puddle) straight to your pool. Algae from the ocean or … Read Full Post »

Where Do Bees Go in the Winter?

a group of honey bees

When the days get shorter and nights get colder in the fall, you’ll see honey bees out, checking the flowers for some pollen. Then one day, they’re gone, and you really don’t notice until one of those warmer winter days, and you spot a few buzzing around trash. They’ll vanish again until the earliest days of spring when they’re suddenly everywhere. So where are the bees when you don’t see them around in winter?

The answer depends on what kind of bees you’re talking about. There are about 4,000 native bee species in the United States and 20,000 species worldwide. We rarely (if ever) see most of them, of course.

Lots of folks have trouble distinguishing between bees and other stinging insects. The simplest way to tell them apart is to remember that bees tend to be hairy, while wasps and hornets do not. That’s because bees collect pollen from flowers. Bees … Read Full Post »

How To Deter Mosquitoes

a mosquito on skin

Warm and sunny days are perfect for beach trips, hikes, picnics and barbeques. Unfortunately, mosquitoes can ruin all the fun. These common, flying insects prefer to breed in hot and humid weather, feasting on human blood to create healthy eggs.

Mosquito bites are itchy and annoying, but that’s the least of your concerns. They transmit various diseases, some of which can be fatal to humans. That’s why you should protect yourself and your family from these pests.

To help you, here’s a guide on how to deter mosquitoes. If they’ve already taken over your property, you should contact a pest control professional to safeguard you and your family.

How to Prevent Indoor Mosquitoes

Your home should be a stress-free zone, but mosquitoes can destroy your peace. They are especially bothersome at night, buzzing around and biting when you’re trying to get some sleep. Here are steps to prevent indoor mosquitoes.

Fly Screens

Equip all your windows … Read Full Post »

Are Mosquitoes Attracted to Carbon Dioxide?

a mosquito on denim

Are you a super attractor for mosquitoes? These pesky insects are attracted to many odors and chemicals that humans give off, and some people attract them more than others.

The good news is that there are several steps you can take to make yourself less attractive to mosquitoes, such as wearing light-colored clothing and using an effective insect repellant.

If mosquitoes have become a nuisance on your property, the best way to control them is to identify where they are laying their eggs. Female mosquitos can lay hundreds of eggs at a time, and it doesn’t take long for them to hatch into larvae. Knowing what larvae look like and where they live while they molt is an important step in eliminating a mosquito infestation.

One place that mosquitoes love to lay eggs is inside pet water bowls. Read this guide to learn how to keep them out of your pet’s water. Finally, … Read Full Post »

Why Does My Pool Pump Have Low Pressure?

pool pump

Your pool pump is an important part of your pool’s filtration system. When it is not working properly, your pool can become dirty and unsanitary. The most common pool pump issues are when the pressure is too high or low. 

There are several reasons why your pool pump is experiencing low pressure, and it is usually due to a blockage on the suction side of the pump.

Homeowners often ask what their pool pump pressure should be, and the answer is that it varies depending on your pump model and pool. However, it is easy to determine when the pressure is too high or low and solve the problem with normal pool maintenance. 

Lastly, it’s important to run your pool pump often enough to keep your pool clean. How often to run a pump depends on the type of pump you own. Keep reading for everything you need to know about your pool … Read Full Post »

Signs of a Few Bed Bugs Versus an Infestation

a bed bug on skin

If you have ever woken up with itchy, red bumps on your skin, you might write it off at first. But if the bites continue or you receive a lot of the bites at once, your thoughts might turn to bed bugs as the cause. Anyone can suffer from a bed bug infestation, no matter how clean they keep themselves and their home.

Bed bugs are parasites that rely on the blood of human or animal hosts for the food they need to survive. You can get the bites anywhere on your body. However, you are most likely to be bitten anywhere your skin is exposed while sleeping, such as on your arms, back, face, neck and legs.

It can be hard to tell the difference between flea or spider bites versus bed bug bites. Generally, the bites will have a dark red center and a small blister in the center. and … Read Full Post »

What Do German Roaches Look Like?

a german roach

There are around 4,500 cockroach species worldwide, of which 70 are in the United States. One of the most common types is the German roach. German roaches need human activity to survive and thrive. These roaches usually infest people’s homes, ruining food and spreading diseases.

What do German roaches look like? Here is a guide to help you identify this type of cockroach. We cover its appearance, where it comes from and how it invades. You’ll also learn about steps you can take to address German roach infestations.

How Do You Distinguish German Roaches From Other Species?

German roaches are an aggressive species despite their small size. They are usually no bigger than a penny, measuring only half an inch long. Aside from being smaller than American, Oriental and other cockroach species, they are also not as dark. Adult German roaches are light brown or tan, with the females sporting a darker hue … Read Full Post »

How To Identify Bermuda Grass Fungus

bermuda grass fungus

Bermuda grass is a warm-season turfgrass that grows best in full sun and is quite drought-tolerant. It can provide a lush, green lawn in warmer climates. However, it is susceptible to some turfgrass diseases, including Bermuda grass fungus.

Bermuda grass fungus is usually identified by its color and texture.

The fungus typically appears as reddish-brown spots or patches on the grass blades, although it can also appear as yellow or light green spots. These spots range from small dots to large patches up to six inches in diameter.

The texture of the fungus is usually soft and velvety but can also be powdery or have a scab-like appearance. In addition to these characteristics, Bermuda grass fungus typically has an unmistakable musty smell.

If you’re unsure what type of disease your Bermuda grass is suffering from, it’s best to consult a professional lawn expert.

Types of Bermuda Grass Fungus and How to Get Rid of Them

Bermuda … Read Full Post »

Common Bed Bug Hiding Places

two bed bugs

Are bed bugs infesting your home and biting you at night? These pests are not only invasive, but they can also cause you physical discomfort.

The first step to getting rid of bed bugs is identifying their hiding places. They are resilient bugs that can hide inside tiny crevices, so it’s easy for them to go unnoticed. Some of the favorite hiding spots include mattress piping, cracks in the bed frame and inside your box springs.

An advanced bed bug infestation will also spread away from your bed. It’s possible to find them hiding and laying eggs in your curtains, especially if you keep them closed most of the time.

What are the Common Bed Bug Hiding Places?

Bed bugs are invasive pests that can hide in discreet places. Their bodies are the width of a credit card, meaning they can squeeze into tiny places and go unseen for a long time. Despite their … Read Full Post »

Plants That Like Full Sun and Heat

plants that like full sun and heat

Looking to refresh your garden with plants that like full sun and heat? As we move toward warmer weather with less precipitation, it’s smart to plan a garden around the changing conditions of your region. The good news is that many plants and grasses fit these specifications. That means you can plant a garden that stays healthy and beautiful through the hot, dry summer. It won’t take much water or upkeep to keep it thriving.

Flowering Plants That Can Take The Heat

  • Butterfly bushes got their name from their ability to attract butterflies with their clusters of tiny, sweet-smelling flowers. These bushes can grow very tall. Some gardeners don’t like them because they can crowd out other native plants that are important to butterflies. This isn’t as much of an issue in hotter zones, and you can also plant sterile butterfly bushes that won’t reproduce and spread.
  • Cosmos love heat and full sun. … Read Full Post »