5 Money-Saving Secrets to Lowering Energy Costs
In an economy that begs you to save money wherever you can, you should strongly consider ways to become more efficient with your use of energy. By making a few small tweaks, you can save a considerable amount of money going forward. Here are five money-saving secrets that will have you reaping the financial benefits all year long.
1. Use a Programmable Thermostat
Programmable thermostats will enable you to save money in a few crucial ways. Because these thermostats are designed to turn on or off automatically, you will not have to worry about running your heating and cooling systems for extended periods of time. To reduce your utility bills even more, try to set your thermostat a bit cooler during the winter. A difference of a few degrees can lead to extra cash each month.
2. Subscribe to a Maintenance Plan
To maximize the efficiency of your home heating system, you should subscribe … Read Full Post »