ABC Blog

5 Money-Saving Secrets to Lowering Energy Costs

In an economy that begs you to save money wherever you can, you should strongly consider ways to become more efficient with your use of energy. By making a few small tweaks, you can save a considerable amount of money going forward. Here are five money-saving secrets that will have you reaping the financial benefits all year long.

1. Use a Programmable Thermostat

Programmable thermostats will enable you to save money in a few crucial ways. Because these thermostats are designed to turn on or off automatically, you will not have to worry about running your heating and cooling systems for extended periods of time. To reduce your utility bills even more, try to set your thermostat a bit cooler during the winter. A difference of a few degrees can lead to extra cash each month.

2. Subscribe to a Maintenance Plan

To maximize the efficiency of your home heating system, you should subscribe … Read Full Post »

Creepy Ways Bed Bugs Can Get into Your Room

When it comes to bed bugs, big problems arrive in small packages. These tiny menaces strike just when you’re getting comfortable at home or on a much-needed vacation. Bed bugs are fast, dangerously effective at sucking blood and have plenty of creepy ways to sneak into your home. Whether you’re defending your own territory or trying to outsmart them in a hotel, it’s important to be bed bug aware.

Travel and Hotels

Bed bugs are natural travelers that are designed to hitch rides. Most travelers are wary of bed bugs in hotel mattresses, but they can hide in other places too. Bugs can even lurk on the straps of luggage stands. Infestations can also stem from household visitors, including that old friend who slept on your couch after visiting every youth hostel in North America. Watching out for bed bugs is the best way to minimize exposure.

Work and School

Schools have long been … Read Full Post »

Celebrate the Season with Festive Outdoor Christmas Lights

Nothing makes your home quite as spectacular during the holidays as a dazzling outdoor lighting display. Whether you go with brightly colored rope lights or classic white icicles, lights always add that extra touch of cheer. If you love having a decorated home but aren’t looking forward to the hard work of hanging your holiday lights this year, consider hiring professionals to do the decorating for you.

What’s New in Holiday Lighting Trends?

Holiday lighting trends tend to change every few years. The blow-up lawn ornaments and tangled icicles of last year are giving way to new, sleeker lighting displays that make the most of sound and motion. You’ve probably seen spectacular timed displays on the local news or online. Professional lighting installers can easily create one of these stunning light, music and motion displays for your yard.

Bright colors are also in for outdoor displays. Don’t be afraid to go bold with … Read Full Post »

Cool-Season Plants Create Cool Yards in San Antonio

The crisp, fall months here in San Antonio are worth celebrating if only because you’ve beat the Texas heat again. If you enjoy digging around in the garden, this is the best time of year to give that green thumb some cool-weather exercise. Here are three local favorites you’ll love in your fall landscape:

Delicious Rosemary Bushes

Forget about that little plant growing on the kitchen windowsill. The full-grown rosemary bush flourishes in central Texas gardens and grows to a feathery height of five feet. If you’re looking for a little drama and delicious fragrance in an evergreen hedge, this is a great choice for your fall planting plans. It grows well in large pots as well, so double down on decorating around the patio. Make sure that your rosemary bush gets plenty of sunlight and well-drained soil. Enjoy this wonderful plant all year, especially when you’re in the mood for a … Read Full Post »

Green Grass Needs More Than Water

What’s that subtle sound? It’s your grass begging for a little TLC. While it’s true that frequent watering will keep your lawn healthy in the blistering San Antonio heat, watering restrictions are definitely a consideration. Not to mention, your lawn needs and deserves so much more than water in order to remain healthy.

Green with Envy

Your neighbors will talk about your lawn—it’s just a fact of life. Give them something to talk about with a luscious lawn that makes them want to kick off their shoes and walk barefoot right up to your front door to ask you what your secret is.

Caring for Your Lawn

➢ Fertilize on Schedule

Proper fertilization is key, but it must be done at the right times of year and with the right blend for your type of grass. For example, a fertilizer formulated for Bermuda grass would kill St. Augustine. It’s important to know exactly which breed … Read Full Post »

From Yard to Plate: Pests as Food

They aren’t on many North American menus, but pests like roaches and arachnids may become a more common food source in the future. In parts of the world where animal meat is scarce, people have long enjoyed eating a variety of healthy, nutritious bugs. Those who advocate the practice believe that edible insects like crunchy crickets, chewy mealworms and juicy locusts could potentially solve hunger problems in underprivileged countries. In Western society, they might be more likely to put an end to binge eating.

The Benefits of Bug-Eating

Insect meat has a lot to offer. It’s inexpensive and easy to process and prepare. With little fat, tons of vitamins and minerals and high-quality protein, it provides near-perfect nutritional balance. If you’re concerned about green living, you should note that bugs emit 10 times less methane and 300 times less nitrous oxide than traditional livestock, so they have a smaller carbon footprint. Most … Read Full Post »

San Antonio Pest Control Specialists Battle Invasive Bug Species

Armadillos, rattlesnakes, fire ants and scorpions are common sights in Texas, but there are new pests on the block who are trying to take over the state. The most recent offenders include crazy ants, Africanized bees and stink bugs. Of all invasive species in Texas, insects are the most damaging. Arthropods and insects are responsible for more than half of all invasive species management costs, which equal about $150 million per year.

Crazy Ants

As the name suggests, these wildly invasive ants are crazier than fire ants, which have plagued Texas for years. These populous ant colonies were first discovered in 2002, but no one knows their exact origin. Since their discovery, colonies have spread throughout the state. Sensitive electrical equipment and air conditioners are prime targets for these loony ants. Although their bite isn’t as fierce as a fire ant’s bite, they cause costly damage to electrical equipment. They’re even capable … Read Full Post »

Wanna be Green? Try Losing Your Lawn!

As a homeowner, you probably take pride in your grassy front yard. There’s no shame in this: For many homeowners, nothing says “I’ve made it” like a fenced-in patch of brilliant green grass.

Unfortunately, San Antonio has been experiencing severe drought for several years on end, and forecasters expect the problem to continue. There’s a good chance that already tight city and county water restrictions will become even stricter: in nearby Austin, watering your lawn during the day is punishable by a $475 fine. Cut down on lawn care and get out in front of this looming problem with eco-friendly drought-resistant landscaping that uses native, drought-tolerant plants instead of water-guzzling grass.

What’s a Drought-Tolerant Landscape?

Also known as a “xeriscape,” drought-resistant landscaping is an area of landscaping that eschews moisture-loving varieties of grass in favor of water-sipping plant species like succulents, prairie grasses and desert-native shrubs. According to the University of Arizona’s Water … Read Full Post »

Safety Alert: Spread of the Dangerous “Kissing Bug” in Texas

bugs are keeping Austin weird too

The kissing bug is not as cute as it sounds. In fact, its other nickname, the assassin bug, may be more accurate. Scientifically known as triatomine bugs, these insects are more than just bothersome. They can carry Chagas disease, which is potentially life-threatening. Although the kissing bug is more common in Mexico, Central America and South America, the pest has been found in 27 of the U.S. states, including Texas, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

What is Chagas Disease?

Chagas disease is a parasitic disease that is transmitted to mammals through the feces of the kissing bug. The kissing bug feeds on the blood of animals and humans, usually during the night. The insects tend to bite the faces of humans, leaving behind droppings near the bite wound. If the droppings, which may be infected with the parasite that causes Chagas disease, are rubbed into the wound, the … Read Full Post »

Tarantulas: Science Fiction Stars Gone Wild

Almost everyone can identify a tarantula. The fierce-looking, hairy spiders can grow as large as dinner plates and cause arachnophobic homeowners to hug their chandeliers. They are pests to some and pets to others, and if you live in Texas, you’ll probably encounter one sooner or later. If you’re unlucky, you may find one in your yard. If your luck is even worse, one might decide to slip into your home unnoticed. In either case, you should be prepared.

What to do if You Encounter a Tarantula

First, relax. Finding a huge, hairy spider is disturbing, but tarantulas aren’t the dangerous monsters many people think they are. Compared to some of their fellow arachnids, they’re not very dangerous. They have fangs, but they rarely bite unless it’s in self-defense. If a tarantula does bite you, it would hurt like a bee sting, and you might have some mild swelling. Unless you’re severely … Read Full Post »