Determining Soil Type
Your taste in landscaping might run to flowers, vegetables or lush green lawns, but if you don’t take time to identify your soil type, your gardening results could be less than optimal. Soil types in San Antonio will vary by location. Additions can improve it, but first you need to know just what you have.
Clay Soil
If your soil turns hard and cracks in dry weather, what you’ve got is clay. This type of soil drains poorly. When not sun baked into brick-like solidity, it can quickly morph into a pit of mud. Its dense composition can dry, drown or suffocate plant roots, but it does hold nutrients in place.
If you can’t identify this type of soil by sight alone, add some water to a handful and roll it between your hands. You’ll find that clay soil will retain its shape quite well.
Sandy Soil
In contrast to the clay variety, sandy soil … Read Full Post »