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Determining Soil Type

Your taste in landscaping might run to flowers, vegetables or lush green lawns, but if you don’t take time to identify your soil type, your gardening results could be less than optimal. Soil types in San Antonio will vary by location. Additions can improve it, but first you need to know just what you have.

Clay Soil

If your soil turns hard and cracks in dry weather, what you’ve got is clay. This type of soil drains poorly. When not sun baked into brick-like solidity, it can quickly morph into a pit of mud. Its dense composition can dry, drown or suffocate plant roots, but it does hold nutrients in place.

If you can’t identify this type of soil by sight alone, add some water to a handful and roll it between your hands. You’ll find that clay soil will retain its shape quite well.

Sandy Soil

In contrast to the clay variety, sandy soil … Read Full Post »

5 Ways That You’re Attracting Pests (Even If You Don’t Know It)

Although you probably already know that leaving food lying around is a good way to attract pests, you might be surprised by all of the things that can encourage insects and rodents to establish residence in your home. Take a look at these five common things that attract pests; by following these tips, you can help eliminate critters from your home.

1. There’s Moisture in Your Home

Insects love moisture, so check all of your plumbing to make sure you don’t have any leaks. Any water in your home should be dealt with as soon as possible to discourage pests and prevent property damage.

2. You Have Damaged Screens

Small imperfections in your window and door screens might not seem like a big deal, but many insects can crawl their way through surprisingly tiny holes, so don’t give them that chance. If your screens have holes, you should replace them right away.

3. You Have … Read Full Post »

Protect Your Pets from These Pests

Everyone that owns a dog or a cat knows the importance of treating them for fleas and keeping a close watch for ticks in the area. These are the two prime pests to be vigilant about when you’re a responsible pet owner, but they aren’t the only ones. Pets are resilient, but they are at much greater risk of harm from insects and other critters than people. If you want to make sure your pets are protected, here are some other pests you should know about.


These blood suckers are also disease-carrying machines. Everyone is aware of the West Nile Virus dangers that mosquitoes can pose to humans, however, they also carry multiple disease that can harm your pets. The West Nile Virus can also impact your pets with the same flu-like symptoms and potential damage to the nervous systems that humans exhibit. Add to that potential threats such as heartworms … Read Full Post »

Art from an Anthill?

New viral videos spring up all the time, but one involving fire ants has really managed to capture people’s imaginations. Instead of showing the pests swarming around a field or invading someone’s home, the video shows an artist pouring molten aluminum into an anthill to create an incredible sculpture of sorts. It’s called anthill art, and it’s creating a lot of buzz. Some folks are enthralled by the gorgeous sculptures, which look a lot like metal Christmas trees, while others are upset that entire fire ant colonies are destroyed in the process (even though fire ants are technically an invasive species). No matter how you feel about the subject, there’s no denying the awesome artistic results.

What’s Under There?

Have you ever seen an anthill and wondered what lies below the surface? There are obviously tunnels and chambers where the ants carry on their day-to-day business, but what do they really look … Read Full Post »

Preventing Scorpion Infestations from the Inside Out

The thought of having stray scorpions crawling in and around your house is an uncomfortable one to say the least. These resilient pests are known to thrive even in the most extreme temperatures and can survive very well in the cracks and crevices of your home and yard. Infestation by these nocturnal arthropods is becoming increasingly common in the San Antonio area. All species of scorpions can sting with their characteristic venom, but very few of them are known to be actually deadly to human beings. Having these pests in your vicinity can be overwhelming. Taking a few simple measures can be extremely helpful in detracting the pests and keeping your property safe from their occupation.

Say No to Scorpions

Like a lot of other household pests, scorpions love clutter. Leaking pipes, holes, cracks and vents on the walls and sewage drains can serve as the perfect entry points into your home. … Read Full Post »

Lower Your Heating Costs with These Fail-Safe Tips

Winter expenses like home heating and holiday gifts tend to pile up quickly, and so there’s a chance that, like most people, you’re running a little low on cash this time of year. By following these tips, you can lower your heating costs immediately and with little effort.

Have Your Furnace Inspected

For safety reasons and to save money, it’s important to have your system carefully inspected before using it. A qualified technician will clean and inspect your motor, blower, fan and other components of your system to ensure that it works correctly and efficiently.

Hire Someone to Inspect and Clean Your Ducts

There’s a good chance that your ducts have leaks and holes in them, which result in wasted heat and higher bills. Ducts also get dirty and clogged, which can cause them to operate less efficiently. Arrange to have your ducts inspected and cleaned by an HVAC expert to lower your bills, … Read Full Post »

Do Dirty Homes Attract Pests?

Good Housekeeping Habits Won’t Necessarily Keep Pests at Bay

Like many people, you may have always thought that pests won’t invade your home as long as you keep it neat and clean. If only it were that simple. While it’s true that some pests are drawn to less-than-sanitary conditions, many others will make themselves at home in even the tidiest of places. Therefore, you shouldn’t take an infestation as a sign that your housekeeping skills need honing.

With that being said, it’s never a bad idea to keep the premises as clean as possible. Pests like cockroaches, rodents and ants seek out places where they can easily find food, and homes that aren’t swept, vacuumed and scrubbed down regularly attract them like moths to a flame. You’ve probably seen this in action yourself. In some parts of Texas, leaving even a few crumbs on a patio will instantly attract large numbers of … Read Full Post »

Winter Lawn Care Don’ts

As the warm weather begins to fade, your lawn’s need for seasonal maintenance doesn’t. Not quite. Although winter is a kind of lawn dormancy, neglecting winter care means your lawn is much less likely to flourish in the spring. With that in mind, here are some winter lawn care don’ts:

Don’t Let Debris Accumulate

Winter yard work can be unpleasant, but debris can ruin your lawn. Leaves, toys, and other items can damage your lawn by smothering the grass. Additionally, some debris will provide cover for troubling pests, including burrowing insects and rodents. Once the problems find a home in your lawn, severe damage to your property can occur.

Don’t Damage Your Turf

A healthy lawn is highly resilient during the active growing season, but dormant grass is easily damaged. According to Louisiana State University’s College of Agriculture, filling and aeration can disrupt your lawn during the winter.

Don’t Forget to Mow

Mowing during the late … Read Full Post »

Built to Last: How the Bed Bug Got Its Groove Back

Though they were thought absent from the U.S. for the past 50 years, bed bugs have made a big comeback across the nation. Much to the chagrin of travelers and homeowners, these pests can establish colonies quickly. For homeowners in the Bryan-College Station area, getting rid of these troublesome pests can seem impossible. Before you tackle a bed bug infestation, you’ll need to know a little about how this pest is built.

Why Are Bed Bugs So Hard to Eliminate?

One of the big reasons bed bugs have shown up in the news so much recently is that they’re very difficult to get rid of once they’ve established a colony. It’s the bed bug’s unique anatomy that allows this pest to establish itself so quickly and cause problems for homeowners.

These flat, oval-shaped, reddish-brown bugs often make their way into homes via the luggage and clothing of travelers. Once they reach maturity, bed … Read Full Post »

Interior Paint Finishes: Do They Matter?

If you’re planning on painting the walls inside your home, you’ve probably put a lot of thought into choosing the perfect paint color. Although the color is important, you should also take your time in choosing a paint finish. The finish that you choose will have a major impact on the final result, so consider the best uses for different paint finishes to make your home look exactly the way you want.


Flat paint is one of the more common choices for interior painting. It has a matte finish, so it doesn’t have any shine to it at all. Flat paint is great for walls that have a lot of imperfections, but it can be almost impossible to clean and isn’t suggested for high-traffic areas or households with children.


As one of the best options for many homes, an eggshell finish has a slight sheen to it but isn’t as glossy as … Read Full Post »