ABC Blog

Are Mosquitoes Attracted To Perfume?

Are mosquitoes attracted to perfume

Spending time outside during certain times of the year can put you in closer contact with a number of insects. You’ve noticed those days you’re outdoors and wearing perfume, you’re getting bitten by mosquitoes more often. Is it all in your head, or are the rumors true? Are mosquitoes attracted to perfume?

Unfortunately, these insects are more likely to sense your presence if they can smell you. Mosquitoes feed on nectar when they aren’t producing eggs, so when we put on that fragrance, it sends off even more signals for them to come to find us. However, it’s not just a flowery perfume that could be attracting them—mosquitoes can smell deodorant, cologne, scented lotions and even fragranced body wash with the olfactory receptors in their antennae. By switching to unscented products, you could provide yourself with some degree of protection from itchy mosquito bumps.

There are many other rumors that get spread … Read Full Post »

Can Mosquitoes Bite Through Clothes?

can mosquitoes bite through clothes

Mosquitoes are a problem for most of the year in the warmer parts of the country. But even so, it can feel like they come back earlier each year. You thought you were at least going to have a few weeks of relaxation in beautiful weather before they showed up again, but these bloodsucking pests had different plans. As you’re relaxing in your backyard you may be wondering: Can mosquitoes bite through clothes? Will I be safe from these biting insects if I just cover up?

Mosquitoes prefer to access blood directly through the skin, but that doesn’t mean they won’t use their proboscis to get to the blood through the clothes you are wearing. Generally speaking, loose, long-sleeved and light-colored clothes significantly reduce the chances of your getting a mosquito bite. That being said, they do not completely remove the possibility of being bitten.

We’ll teach you how to stop mosquito … Read Full Post »

How To Get Rid Of Mosquitoes In The House

How to get rid of mosquitoes in the house

Your home is normally the best place to relax and unwind. But recently, just when you were decompressing after a long day, you heard it. That ominous buzzing in your ear that tells you that there’s a mosquito nearby.

Nothing interrupts your moment of Zen quite like hunting down one of these bloodsucking pests so that you can avoid getting bitten. Naturally, after one of these experiences, you’re left wondering how to get rid of mosquitoes in the house. In this blog post, we will explore why mosquitoes may decide your humble abode is a perfect place to stick around, and provide you with tips on how to keep these pesky pests in their natural environment.

Steps You Can Take To Reduce Your Indoor Mosquito Population

Do you constantly feel like you are swatting away mosquitoes, even when you are inside? When trying to control an indoor mosquito problem, the following do-it-yourself methods … Read Full Post »

How to Protect Yourself from Mosquito Bites

How to Protect Yourself from Mosquito Bites

Rising temperatures means more time spent outdoors at pools, sports, barbecues and cookouts. Unfortunately, mosquitoes can ruin all the fun.

Prevent the bite of summer by taking time this spring to prevent one of the most irritating and dangerous of pests—mosquitoes.

If you ask most people which insect they hate the most, they will mostly likely put the malicious mosquito in the #1 spot. Mosquitoes are especially troublesome in the state of Texas.

Mosquito-Borne Threats

Every year, there are dozens of reports of mosquito-borne diseases, including:

  • Encephalitis (human symptoms include high fever, convulsions, delirium and other central nervous system problems)
  • Malaria (human symptoms include fever and flu-like symptoms, including chills, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea)
  • Zika (human symptoms include fever, rash, muscle and joint aches, red eyes
    Babies of infected mothers risk microcephaly and poor pregnancy outcomes)
  • West Nile Virus (human symptoms include fever and flu-like symptoms; more severe cases can affect the nervous system and … Read Full Post »

What You Should Know About the Aedes Triseriatus Mosquito

Aedes triseriatus

Summer. Mosquitoes. These two things go together like chips and salsa, although we can all agree that we’d prefer our warm weather without the mosquitoes. One of the most common mosquito species you are likely to encounter in the southern states of the U.S. when it’s hot outside is the Aedes triseriatus

What You Should Know About the Aedes Triseriatus Mosquito

Your next question is most likely: how can I identify this type of mosquito? Where does it breed? What risks does it pose to me, my family and my pets? Perhaps most importantly, how can you protect against these biting pests? Let’s learn more about this pesky pest.

Aedes triseriatus Identification and Habitat

When you’re sitting in your backyard, enjoying time with friends and family or just listening to the quiet, you’re not likely to pay attention to which type of mosquito is biting you; you only know you’re getting bitten. So how do you … Read Full Post »

Types of Mosquitoes in Florida

Types of Mosquitoes in Florida

Your new house has a problem. You knew this before you bought it. The place is gorgeous inside and out. Lots of open space. A lush yard. A patio that has a top-of-the-line grill. A bar. It’s what the deck doesn’t have that is the problem: screens.

Unlike many Florida patios, the previous owner decided not to enclose the space, which means bugs, which also implies bug bites. More specifically, mosquito bites.

What You Need To Know About The Different Types of Mosquitoes in Florida

You thought this would be a minor problem, that you could avoid the busiest mosquito times and enclose the space when you had enough money. Except there doesn’t seem to be a time when mosquitoes aren’t around. And you can no longer tell where the bug bites end, and your skin begins.

Is there anything you can do to protect yourself from mosquitoes? Absolutely. It starts with learning about what … Read Full Post »

How Does DEET Work?

how does DEET work

We are drawn to the outdoors during the warmer months of the year. Unfortunately, these times of year are also the peak months for mosquito activity. We often reach for insect sprays and other repellents to avoid the itching and discomfort associated with mosquito bites and protect ourselves from the risks of dangerous diseases such as the West Nile and Zika viruses. One of the most common ingredients in insect repellent is DEET. How much do you know about DEET and how it keeps these pesky pests away?

How Does DEET Work?

Before discussing why DEET is an active ingredient in most sprays designed to keep mosquitoes and biting fleas, chiggers, no-see-ums, and ticks from biting us, let’s learn more about this chemical and why it gets mixed reviews.

What is DEET?

DEET is a clear or faintly yellow liquid chemical compound known as diethyltoluamide and is short for N, N-Diethyl-3-Methylbenzamide. DEET was first developed … Read Full Post »

Animals That Eat Mosquitoes

Animals That Eat Mosquitoes

The first mosquito bite of the year is never a celebrated occasion. At the very least, mosquitoes are annoying, but at their worst, they can bring diseases such as West Nile virus, the Zika virus, and in more tropical climates, even malaria. This is why it can be beneficial to keep animals that eat mosquitoes in your yard to help protect your home.

Animals That Eat Mosquitoes

Protecting yourself from mosquito bites can mean everything from citronella candles to mosquito repellents containing DEET. But what about building an environment in your backyard that attracts animals, insects and birds that eat mosquitoes?

A Mosquito’s Natural Enemies

Most insects have natural enemies and finding the ones that make your backyard comfortable just takes a little research. For mosquitoes, their most common natural enemies, other than man, are bats, dragonflies, birds, fish and turtles.

Bats: Man’s (Other) Best Friend?

Bats have had a bad reputation since the … Read Full Post »

How To Kill Mosquito Larvae In Pool

How To Kill Mosquito Larvae In Pool

Having a pool means having a built-in destination for relaxation, fun, and entertainment. Unfortunately, having a pool also means that you may attract some uninvited guests to your backyard oasis: mosquitoes. Keep reading to learn more about how to kill mosquito larvae in your pool and how to keep these pesky pests away.

Swimming Pool Mosquito Control Tips

The months of the year that are ideal for swimming are also prime time for mosquitoes. You will likely encounter these bloodsucking creatures if you’re anywhere near a pool or body of water during the warmer months. You may ask yourself: Do swimming pools attract mosquitoes? Since both water and humans attract mosquitoes, unfortunately, the answer is yes. You can take some steps to keep mosquitoes out so that you can enjoy your pool and backyard during the warmer months of the year.

What if you suspect there are already larvae in your pool water? The … Read Full Post »

When Is Mosquito Season Over?

When Is Mosquito Season Over

In certain parts of the country, thermometers might reach freezing temperatures on only a few days of the year. During those periods, mosquito season can seem like a year-round nuisance, which may not be far from the truth—especially since mosquitoes can move underground during the colder winter months.

When Is Mosquito Season Over?

It’s a good question, especially in the southern parts of the country with mild winters. Mosquitoes have an annoying habit of taking up residence in some people’s homes, living in drains, potted plants or anyplace where they have access to water and warmth. So when is mosquito season over in warmer climates? Let’s look at the facts.

Why Mosquitoes Are Considered Pests

Mosquitoes can carry infectious diseases that may have serious consequences for humans. Over a million people worldwide die every year from mosquito-borne illnesses, and the United States is not exempt from that statistic.

In certain areas of the U.S., pregnant … Read Full Post »