Quick Tips to Save Money on Houston HVAC Maintenance
As energy bills rise, it’s tempting to look for a single solution that will shave off a large part of your heating bill, but there are numerous ways to improve your home’s energy efficiency. With these simple and inexpensive Houston HVAC maintenance solutions, you can keep those heating bills from rising – even in the cold holiday season!
The most obvious way to reduce fuel use is to turn down the thermostat. Think of it as a valve between your fuel supplier and your wallet. For every degree you turn it down, you will use up to 3 percent less heating energy. A 10-degree setback overnight or while at work will cut your heating bill by up to 10 percent. Remember that it doesn’t take long to heat your home to a comfortable level – only about 15 minutes. Never adjust the thermostat above the desired temperature; doing so … Read Full Post »